Table 7.
Contraindications to CSII System and AID System Therapy in the Hospital.
Impaired level of consciousness (except during short-term anesthesia) Patient’s inability to correctly demonstrate appropriate CSII system settings Critical illness requiring intensive care Psychiatric illness that interferes with a patient’s ability to self-manage diabetes Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state Refusal or unwillingness to participate in self-care Lack of CSII system supplies Lack of trained health care providers, diabetes educators, or diabetes specialists Patient at risk for suicide Health care decision |
AID, automated insulin dosing; CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.
Table has been reproduced with permission from Umpierrez and Klonoff, Diabetes Care, 2018.122 “Insulin pump therapy” in the title of the table has been changed to “CSII system and AID system therapy”. “Pump” in the second and seventh bullets has been changed to “CSII system”.