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. 2020 Oct 23;11:577795. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.577795


Multivariate logistic regression analysis of mitochondrial haplogroups associated with disability with adjustment for age, sex, and haplogroup.

Haplogroups Normal (n = 218) Disability (n = 245) OR (95% CI) p-value
A 17 (7.8%) 18 (7.3%) 1.26 (0.57–2.79) 0.558
B 32 (14.7%) 44 (18.0%) 1.63 (0.87–3.05) 0.125
D4 47 (21.6%) 41 (16.7%) 1.0
D5 11 (5.0%) 19 (7.8%) 2.18 (0.91–5.19) 0.077
F 37 (17.0%) 40 (16.3%) 1.27 (0.68–2.36) 0.441
G 11 (5.0%) 10 (4.1%) 1.07 (0.41–2.81) 0.886
M7 8 (3.7%) 27 (11.0%) 3.90 (1.59–9.56) 0.003
M8 27 (12.4%) 20 (8.2%) 0.89 (0.43–1.84) 0.769
N9 11 (5.0%) 11 (4.5%) 1.14 (0.45–2.93) 0.772
Others* 17 (7.7%) 15 (6.1%)

Values in parentheses are the percentage of samples. CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio. *represents haplogroup with frequencies <5% in normal and disability group. P < 0.005 (0.05/9), adjusted p-value with Bonferroni correction while 9 haplogroups studied in this study.