Metrics comparison of CAGE atlases from 7 species.
Species | Genome | TSS | Genes |
Human | hg38 | 209,911 | 31,184 |
Mouse | mm10 | 164,672 | 30,501 |
Chicken | galGal5 | 32,015 | 7,759 |
Sheep | Oar rambouillet v1.0 | 28,148 | 13,912 |
Rhesus monkey | rheMac8 | 25,869 | 8,047 |
Dog | canFam3 | 23,147 | 5,288 |
The total number of TSSs identified using CAGE methodology and the number of corresponding genes. Data for all the species other than sheep were accessed via the FANTOM5 data portal.