Patient Nr 9. Preliminary DSA during selective injection of left internal and
external carotid arteries (a, b, c, d) shows a DAVF of the Crista Galli with
pial reflux in right cerebral hemisphere. Left MMA was the selected way for
the embolization but the microcatheter stopped in the basal frontal branch
(arrows). Frontal angiogram (e) during superselective injection through the
microcatheter in the basal branch of the left MMA. Unsubtracted image (f)
shows SQUID 12 cast at the end of the endovascular treatment. Despite the
distance between the microcatheter and the DAVF, injection time was
25 minutes and the amount of embolic agent was 4,5 ml. Final angiograms of
the left CCA (g, h) demonstrates the complete occlusion of the cDAVF.