Representative immunofluorescence staining shows UCP1 (green), perilipin (red), and DAPI (blue) in sWAT of mice housed at 6°C.
Male mice, housed at 30°C or 6°C for 10 days, were administered with [U‐13C]glucose (2 g/kg, IP). 15 min after injection, sWAT and gWAT were harvested for metabolic enrichment assay. Metabolic 13C enrichments in sWAT of male mice are shown as m+6 glucose (B), m+3 glycolytic intermediates (C), and m+2 TCA cycle intermediates (D). Metabolic 13C enrichments in gWAT of male mice are shown as m+6 glucose (E), m+3 glycolysis intermediates (F), and m+2 TCA cycle intermediates (G).
Plasma 13CO2 enrichment, after normalizing to the [U‐13C]glucose tracer enrichment.
Data information:
n = 10 mice per group for (B‐G),
n = 7‐8 mice per group for (H), data are represented as the mean ± SD. Statistical analysis was performed using two‐tailed Student's
t‐test, *
P < 0.05.
Source data are available online for this figure.