Figure EV4. LSD1 inhibition induces marked transcriptional changes.
AVolcano plot showing the −log10 (adjusted P‐value) and log2 fold change (log2FC) for transcripts detected by RNAseq analysis of PeTa cells treated with 100 nM GSK‐LSD1 or DMSO for 6 days. Significantly up‐ and downregulated genes (FDR ≤ 0.05; abs[log2FC] ≥ 1) are marked in red and blue, respectively.
BImmunoblot analysis for histone marks and LSD1 upon GSK‐LSD1 and protein level quantification normalized to loading control (vinculin) and relative to DMSO control.
CPathway enrichment analysis (GO:BP) of 533 significantly downregulated genes upon GSK‐LSD1 treatment displayed in Fig 4D.
DPathway enrichment analysis (GO:BP) of 870 significantly upregulated genes upon GSK‐LSD1 treatment displayed in Fig 4F.
ECell viability (%) upon 4‐thiouridine (4sU) treatment in PeTa cells over time relative to treatment start (T 0). Data are represented as means ± SD.
FHeatmap depicting the transcriptional activation of members of TGFβ signaling after 24‐h treatment with LSD1i.
GImmunoblot probing for protein levels of phospho‐SMAD1/5/9, ID1, and ID2 in PeTa cells treated with indicated compounds for 24 h. Vinculin serves as loading control.
Source data are available online for this figure.