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. 2020 Sep 25;4(12):bvaa140. doi: 10.1210/jendso/bvaa140

Table 3.

Characteristics of Patients With and Without Concomitant Glucocorticoid Use (Patients Were Classified Using Current Treatment Regimen)

No Current Systemic Glucocorticoid Use (n = 385) Currently Treated with Oral Glucocorticoids (n = 259) Currently Treated with IV Glucocorticoids (n = 109)
% all patients (714 patients) 54% 36% 15%
Women 265 (69%) 159 (61%) 64 (59%)
Age, y 49.9 ± 13.6 48.4 ± 13.3 50.6 ± 14.6
TED duration, y 4.8 ± 5.8 3.5 ± 4.1 3.4 ± 4.1
Severe disease 37 (10%) 45 (17%) 34 (31%)
TED activity
 CAS 1.9 ± 1.7 2.6 ± 1.9 3.4 ± 2.0
 CAS ≥ 3 131 (34%) 130 (50%) 74 (68%)
Pain symptoms
 Pain in primary gaze (CAS) 68 (18%) 67 (26%) 49 (45%)
 Pain with eye movement (CAS) 89 (23%) 97 (38%) 57 (52%)
 Photophobia 125 (33%) 113 (44%) 57 (52%)
Vision disturbances
 Blurred/decreased vision 141 (37%) 116 (45%) 66 (61%)
 Diplopia 87 (23%) 74 (29%) 53 (49%)
 Color vision changes 37 (10%) 40 (15%) 28 (26%)
Structural issues
 Soft-tissue swellinga 229 (60%) 194 (75%) 93 (85%)
 Proptosis 250 (65%) 182 (70%) 76 (70%)
 Strabismus 77 (20%) 74 (29%) 48 (44%)
 Eyelid redness (CAS) 135 (35%) 122 (47%) 62 (57%)
 Eyelid swelling (CAS) 131 (34%) 115 (44%) 64 (59%)
 Conjunctival swelling (CAS) 113 (29%) 110 (43%) 62 (57%)
 Conjunctival redness (CAS) 213 (55%) 170 (66%) 79 (73%)
 Eyelid retraction 94 (24%) 88 (34%) 46 (42%)
 Corneal involvement 98 (26%) 83 (32%) 49 (45%)
 Compressive optic neuropathy 25 (7%) 29 (11%) 26 (24%)
 Eye muscle involvement 111 (29%) 96 (37%) 58 (53%)
Ever treated with (current or prior use)
 Intravenous GCs 82 (21%) 71 (27%) 109 (100%)
 Oral GCs 144 (37%) 259 (100%) 71 (65%)
 Periorbital GCs 42 (11%) 37 (14%) 27 (25%)
 Topical GCs (eye drops) 220 (57%) 149 (58%) 64 (59%)
 Rituximab and/or tocilizumab 51 (13%) 36 (14%) 34 (31%)
 Orbital radiation 29 (8%) 25 (10%) 19 (17%)
 Ocular surgery 51 (13%) 18 (7%) 14 (13%)

Data presented as mean ± standard deviation or n (%) as appropriate. Thirty-nine patients were currently being treated with both oral and IV glucocorticoids and are included in both GC groups.

aIncludes soft-tissue involvement, eyelid swelling, and/or periorbital swelling.

CAS, clinical activity score; GC, glucocorticoid; TED, thyroid eye disease.