Figure 3.
Historical tropical cyclones passing within 150 km of Basin Bayou are plotted by the distance of landfall from Basin Bayou in km (x axis) and the maximum sustained wind velocity in knots (y axis) during the lifetime of the storm (i.e. not the max. sustained wind velocity at the time of landfall). The diameters of the circles represent the estimated or observed radii of the storms, shading denotes the median modelled radius of maximum winds + / − 1 sigma, and the sizes of the circles scale from the minimum radius (16 km) to the maximum radius (79 km). The red circles represent storms that produced modeled surges exceeding the minimum flood threshold (1.1 m) at Basin Bayou, and the gray circles represent storms that did not produce modeled surges exceeding 1.1 m. Storm tides exceeded the inundation regime threshold (1.8 m) for two modeled hurricanes, labeled “Inundation Regime.”