Relationships between dopamine synthesis capacity (Kicer) and psychotic symptoms. (A) Associations between Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale Marder factors and striatal Kicer (Ki) across different striatal subdivision regions. Heatmap displays rp values. Statistical significance calculated by permuting participants. ∗p < .05, ∗∗p < .05 (false discovery rate corrected). (B) The strongest association observed using the connectivity-based approach was between default mode network (DMN)–Kicer and the Marder negative factor score (rp = .49, p = .009). (C) Heatmaps illustrating the extent to which symptom-Kicer associations differ between subdivisions. Positive values indicate that the row subdivision shows a greater association with the Marder factor than the column subdivision. ∗p < .05. Connectivity-defined subdivisions: auditory network (AUD), cingulo-opercular network (CON), dorsal attention network (DAT), DMN, and sensorimotor network (SMN). Anatomically defined subdivisions: whole striatum (WST), associative striatum (WST), limbic striatum (LST), and sensorimotor striatum (SMST).