Mice deficient in procoagulant platelet formation die faster in a pulmonary thrombosis model. A, Platelets were isolated from wild‐type (CypDplt+/+, n = 4) and platelet specific cyclophilin D knockout mice (CypDplt−/−, n = 3) and stimulated with 1 U/mL thrombin + 250 ng/mL convulxin and annexin V staining was measured. B, Pulmonary thrombosis was induced in anesthetized mice by intravenous injection of a mixture of collagen (0.4 mg/kg; Chronolog) and epinephrine (30 mg/kg; Sigma‐Aldrich) in 100 µL of phosphate buffered saline. Time to death was monitored. Shown is the Kaplan–Meier survival curve (n = 9 per genotype).