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. 2020 Nov 2;13:1415–1426. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S275601

Table 1.

ANC Service Attendance Among Pregnant Women in Arba Minch Zuria Woreda by Their Socio-Demographic and Economic Characteristics, March 2015

Variables (N=707) Category Attended ANC Service
Yes No
Age Less than 20 60 (12%) 29 (14.1%)
20–34 347 (69.1%) 126 (61.5%)
35 and above 95 (18.9%) 50 (24.4%)
Educational status Illiterate 160 (31.9%) 94 (45.9%)
Read and write 44 (8.8%) 27 (13.2%)
Primary education 224 (44.7%) 63 (30.7%)
Secondary education 73 (14.6%) 21 (10.2%)
Marital status In marital union 486 (96.8%) 190 (92.7%)
Not in marital union 16 (3.2%) 15 (7.3%)
Occupation Farmer 231 (46%) 107 (52.2%)
Housewives 185 (36.9%) 64 (31.2%)
Others 86 (17.1%) 34 (16.6%)
Wealth index Low 116 (23.2) 87 (42.4%)
Low–medium 104 (20.8%) 45 (22%)
Medium–high 84 (16.8%) 39 (19%)
High 196 (39.2%) 34 (16.6%)
Ever listened radio Yes 286 (41%) 84 (57%)
No 216 (59%) 121 (43%)