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. 2017 Nov 2;25(6):635–644. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocx122

Table 3.

Differences in state and territorial HIE laws (June 2016)

Jurisdiction Governance
HIE Participation and Use
Patient Engagement
Law authorizes statewide HIE Entity granted HIE operational control Health authority access Other state agency access Medical lab access Pharmacy access Research institution access Payer access Patient access Public transparency
AK Yes SDE Yes Yes Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Yes Yes Yes
AR Yes SDE Ambiguousb Ambiguousb Yes Yes Yes
AZ Yes Yes
CA Yes State option Yesc Yesc Ambiguousa,c Ambiguousa,c Ambiguousb Yesc Ambiguousb Yes
CO Ambiguousa
CT Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ambiguousd
DC Yes SDE Yes Yes
DE Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FL Ambiguousd Ambiguousd Yes
IA Yes Ambiguousd Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ID Yes State entity Yes Yes
IL Yes State entity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
KS Yes Yes Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Yes Yes
KY Yes State entity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
LA Yes Yes
MA Yes State entity Yes Yes Ambiguousa Yes Yes
MD Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ME Yes SDE Yes
MN Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MO Yes Yes Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Yes
MS Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes
NC Yes State entity Yes Yes Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Yes Yes
ND Yes State entity Yes Yes Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Ambiguousb Yes Yes
NE Ambiguousd Yes Yes
NH Yes SDE Yes Ambiguousa Yes Yes
NJ Yes
NM Ambiguousa Yes
NV Yes State option Ambiguousa Yes Yes Yes
NY Yes State entity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
OH Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Yes Yes
OK Yes State entity Yes Yes Yes Ambiguous
OR Yes Yes
PA Yes State entity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PR Yes SDE Ambiguousb Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Ambiguousb
RI Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SC Ambiguousd Yes
TX Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
UT Ambiguousd Yes Yes Yes Ambiguousa Yes
VA Yes
VI Yes Yes Ambiguousa Ambiguousa Ambiguousb
VT Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WA Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WI Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes
WV Yes SDE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WY Yes

aCoded “Ambiguous” if the law authorizes the use of an HIE for “treatment” or to “facilitate health care,” unless otherwise mentioned (includes criteria under b and d).

bCoded “Ambiguous” if the law references potential HIE participants in a “legislative declarations” or “legislative findings” section but does not clearly indicate that a participant would actually use the HIE (includes criteria under d).

cLegal provisions for HIE pilots.

dCoded “Ambiguous” if the law either satisfies the coding criteria or not, depending on differing reasonable interpretations of the terms of the law.