Table 1.
Clinical subtypes of MSA, PSP, CBD and FTLD
Disorder | Clinical phenotypes | Comment |
MSA | MSA-P | Parkinsonian variant |
MSA-C | Cerebellar variant | |
PSP | PSP-RS | Richardson’s syndrome (classical phenotype) |
PSP-P | Parkinsonian variant | |
PSP-OM | Predominance of ocular motor symptoms | |
PSP-PI | Predominance of postural instability | |
PSP-PPFGa | Primary progressive freezing of gait | |
PSP-PA | Pure akinesia | |
PSP-F | PSP with frontal lobe dysfunction, including: | |
bvFTD | PSP presenting as bvFTD | |
PSP-CBS | PSP presenting as CBS | |
PSP-SL | PSP with speech or language impairment, including: | |
PSP-navPPA | PSP presenting as non-fluent agrammatic variant PPA | |
PSP-AOS | PSP presenting as primary progressive apraxia of speech | |
PSP-C | Cerebellar variant | |
PSP-PLS | Primary lateral sclerosis variant | |
CBD | CBS | Classical phenotype (possible versus probable CBS) |
FBS | Frontal behavioral-spatial syndrome | |
PSPS | PSP syndrome with CBD pathology | |
navPPA | Non-fluent agrammatic variant PPA with CBD pathology | |
FTLD | bvFTD | Behavioral variant FTD |
svPPA | Semantic variant PPA | |
navPPA | Non-fluent agrammatic variant PPA | |
lvPPA | Logopenic variant PPA | |
FTD-MND | FTD associated with motor neuron disease | |
CBS | CBS with FTLD pathology | |
PSP | PSP with FTLD pathology |
PSP-PPFG is also called PSP-PAGF: pure akinesia with gait freezing.