Fig 2. Time course plots of representative pharmacology experiments.
A) Upper panels, representative IhERG traces recorded from a hERG1a- (left panel) and a hERG1a/1b-expressing cell (right panel) in control solution, followed by sequential applications of 10 μM and 100 μM norbuprenorphine and then 1 μM E-4031. Lower panels, time course plots of the IhERG amplitude for the duration of these experiments. The current traces and time course plot data points are color-coded according to drug(s) and concentrations tested, and the numbers in the parentheses indicate current trace numbers recorded under the specified test condition. Panels (B) to (D) are organized similarly. B) ICaL recorded in control solution and followed by sequential applications of 10 μM and 300 μM methadone. Note that due to pronounced activity-dependent rundown typical of this current at the beginning of the experiment, data points for the first 14 current traces were off the Y-axis scale used for illustration. C) INaL recorded in control solution and followed by sequential applications of 30 μM and 300 μM naltrexone and then 30 μM TTX. D) INaP recorded in control solution and followed by sequential applications of 100 μM and 1000 μM naloxone.