Table 6. Comparison of factors between non-glaucomatous PA patients with and without RNFLDs.
Factor | PA without RNFLD | PA with RNFLD | P value |
n = 94 | n = 34 | ||
Male (%) | 51 (54.3) | 17 (50.0) | 0.670 |
Age (years) | 54.9 ±10.7 | 55.2 ± 11.4 | 0.867 |
Hypertension (%) | 92 (97.9) | 34 (100) | 0.391 |
Diabetes mellitus (%) | 17 (18.1) | 6 (17.7) | 0.955 |
Heart disease (%) | 8 (8.51) | 1 (2.94) | 0.276 |
Dyslipidemia (%) | 30 (31.9) | 12 (35.3) | 0.719 |
Cerebrovascular disease (%) | 4 (4.3) | 4 (11.8) | 0.121 |
SAS (%) | 5 (5.32) | 2 (5.88) | 0.901 |
Pretreatment SBP (mmHg) | 158 ± 19.8*1 | 154 ± 14.8*2 | 0.618 |
Pretreatment DBP (mmHg) | 99.7 ± 12.1*1 | 94.6 ± 8.39*2 | 0.253 |
BMI (kg/m2) | 25.2 ± 4.5 | 24.5 ± 3.7 | 0.850 |
SBP (mmHg) | 137 ± 17.8 | 137 ± 20.2 | 0.740 |
DBP (mmHg) | 84.1 ± 12.3 | 86.5 ± 13.1 | 0.419 |
PAC (ng/dL) | 142.5 ± 69.6 | 193.9 ± 197 | 0.352 |
PRA (ng/mL/h) | 0.4 ± 0.2 | 0.32 ± 0.19 | 0.421 |
ARR | 543.7 ± 473.1 | 1015 ± 2022 | 0.085 |
RNFLD = retinal nerve fiber layer defect; SAS = sleep apnea syndrome; SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; BMI = body mass index; PAC = plasma aldosterone concentration; PRA = plasma renin activity; ARR = aldosterone to renin ratio.
*1 n = 41,
*2 n = 11.
Chi-squared test or Mann-Whitney U test.