(A) An arrayed CRISPRi library was designed to target 294 essential M. smegmatis genes. For each gene, the highest efficiency sgRNA was identified from a previous pooled CRISPRi-Seq screen (de Wet et al., 2018) and synthesized as an annealed oligonucleotide. Cloning was performed at scale, followed by electroporation into an M. smegmatis ParB-mCherry reporter strain (Santi and McKinney, 2015). (B) A total of 276 sequence-verified transformants produced a greater than twofold decrease in colony size (Kritikos et al., 2017) when spotted on 7H10 agar containing the inducer, anhydrotetracycline (ATc) compared to the same cells spotted onto solid medium without ATc, confirming ATc-dependent growth inhibition.