A) Carbachol stimulated change in GCaMP6m fluorescence (ΔF/F) in PPL1- γ2α′1 cells. Representative images of GCaMP6m fluorescence at the indicated time points (top panel). Warmer colors denote increase in [Ca
2+]. Average response (± SEM) of normalized changes in GCaMP6m fluorescence (ΔF/F) in
MB296BGAL4 marked PPL1 cells upon addition of Carbachol from N=7 cells from 7 brains. Images were acquired at 2s per frame. (
B) Average traces (± SEM) of normalized changes in GRAB
DA fluorescence (ΔF/F) from axonal termini of
MB296BGAL4 marked DANs that responded below the arbitrary threshold (ΔF/F=0.05) upon addition of Carbachol (Green line). Images were acquired at 2s per frame (Top panel). Quantification of area under the curve (AUC) from the point of stimulation 160s up to 250s. Boxplots and symbols are as described in
Figure 2A.
MB296B GAL4 > UAS GRABDA N = 3 brains;
MB296B GAL4 > UAS ItprDN; UAS GRABDA N = 9 brains, *p< 0.05, Mann-Whitney U test (lower panel).