Table 7.
Effect of treatments on serum and meat MDA and liver enzymes activities (IU/mL) of broilers exposed to aflatoxin B1.2
Item | Meat MDA (nmol/g) | Serum MDA (nmol/L) | AST | ALT | ALP |
Treatments1 | |||||
Control | 332.71c | 455.59 | 216.67b,c | 3.66b,c | 6.66b |
AFB | 498.54a | 498.23 | 301.00a | 5.00a | 8.33a |
LE3 | 309.45c,d | 512.77 | 241.33b | 4.00a,b | 5.00d |
LE6 | 250.28d | 467.71 | 209.33c | 3.66b,c | 5.00d |
PRO | 238.09d | 474.48 | 191.00c,d | 2.66c | 7.66a |
TXB | 426.09a,b | 491.9 | 161.33e,d | 3.00b,c | 8.00a |
PLB | 354.44b,c | 477.89 | 147.33e | 1.33d | 6.00b |
SEM | 24.86 | 24.06 | 14.42 | 0.50 | 0.43 |
P-Value | 0.013 | 0.906 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.002 |
Contrasts | P-value | ||||
Control vs. AFB | 0.006 | 0.074 | 0.001 | 0.003 | 0.001 |
a–c Means within the same column with different letters are statistically significant (P < 0.05).
The values are least square means of the 6 replicates in each treatment.
Control = basal diet, AFB = basal diet + 0.5 mg/kg aflatoxin B1, LE3 = basal diet + AFB1 + 3 g/kg licorice extract, LE6 = basal diet + AFB1 + 6 g/kg licorice extract, PRO = basal diet + AFB1 + 0.5 g/kg Protexin probiotic, TXB = basal diet + AFB1 + 1 g/kg toxin binder, and PLB = basal diet + AFB1 + 5 g/kg poultry litter biochar.
MDA = malondialdehyde, ALP = alkaline phosphatase, AST = aspartate aminotransferase, and ALT = alanine transaminase (glutamate-pyruvate transaminase).