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. 2020 Nov 7;350:577436. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2020.577436

Table 3.

Case reports of seizure, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, and CNS demyelination related to COVID-19.

Region Age, Gender Neurological symptoms on admission (day from admission) Other symptoms (onset day prior neurologic symptoms) Admission serum labs (or day from admission) CSF (day from admission) Imaging or EEG (day from admission) Treatments received Outcome Ref
Madrid, Spain 26 days, M Two paroxysmal episodes: 1st, several-minute upward eyes rolling & generalized hypertonia associated with a feeding; 2nd, several-minute generalized hypertonia & facial cyanosis during sleep. No abnormal movements. 12-h fever, rhinorrhea, & vomiting Mild ↑ CK (380 U/L), LDH (390 U/L) & fibrinogen (4.18 mg/dL); normal CBCdiff, BMP, LFTs, CRP, & BCx/UCx; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Normal Cranial ultrasound: normal.
cEEG: continuous background patters with sleep-wake cycles without electrical and clinical seizures.
Six-day hospitalization with supportive care Favorable (Chacón-Aguilar et al., 2020)
New York, USA 6 weeks, M Two brief 10–15 s episodes of upward gaze & bilateral leg stiffening. No abnormal movements. Fever & cough Leukopenia (5.07 K/μL), ↑ procalcitonin (0.21 ng/mL), normal BMP; positive for rhinovirus / enterovirus PCR; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Normal Brain MRI: normal.
cEEG: Excess of temporal sharp transients for age & intermittent vertex delta slowing with normal sleep-wake cycling.
One-day hospitalization Favorable (Dugue et al., 2020)
Brooklyn, USA 72, M Altered mental status requiring intubation (admission); followed by multiple episodes of generalized tonic colonic movements (day 3) Dyspnea Lymphocytopenia (0.5 K), leukopenia (4 K), ↑ CRP (61 mg/L) & LDH (230 U/L), negative nasopharyngeal swab for influenza A and B, positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab NR Head CT scan: chronic microvascular ischemic changes with no acute changes.
Brain MRI: not done due to patient unstable condition.
cEEG: Six left temporal seizures & left temporal sharp waves which were epileptogenic.
Transient oseltamivir; hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, vancomycin, piperacillin tazobactam, versed & levetiracetam with additional valproate Death due to cardiac arrest (day 5) (Sohal and Mossammat, 2020)

Encephalitis / Meningoencephalitis
Yamanashi, Japan 24, M Multiple generalized seizures, unconsciousness & neck stiffness Fever & generalized fatigue (9 days prior); headache & sore throat (5 days prior) ↑ WBC (mainly neutrophils) & CRP; negative HSV1/VZV IgM; negative COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Day 3: ↑ pressure (320 mmH2O), 12 WBC (10 mononuclear), positive COVID-19 rRT-PCR Head CT scan: normal.
Brain DWI MRI: hyperintensity along the wall of inferior horn of right lateral ventricle; FLAIR MRI: hyperintense signal changes in the right mesial temporal lobe & hippocampus with slight hippocampal atrophy with no contrast enhancement, suggestive of right lateral ventriculitis & encephalitis mainly on right mesial lobe & hippocampus; T2-weighted image: pan-paranasal sinusitis.
Transient ceftriaxone, vancomycin, acyclovir & steroids; levetiracetam; favipiravir Poor; ongoing (>15 days) ICU stay due to encephalitis & bacterial pneumonia (Moriguchi, Harii, 2020)
Wuhan, China NR, M Acute confusion, nuchal rigidity, Kernig, Brudzinski & Babinski signs. Fever, dyspnea & myalgia (12 days prior) ↓ WBC (lymphocytopenia), positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab. Mild ↑ pressure (220 mmHg), normal protein (80 mg/dL), 1 WBC, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR, IgM & IgG Head CT scan: normal. Supportive care, mannitol infusion Favorable; complete recovery within 14 days (Ye, Ren, 2020a)
Nanjing, China 64, M Acute lethargy & unresponsiveness, positive ankle clonus (left>right), left Babinski & Chaddock signs, & mild neck stiffness Fever, cough (13 days prior), insomnia & myalgia (11 days prior) ↑ CRP (10.74 mg/L), normal WBC, positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab. Day 6: pressure (200 mmH2O), normal protein (27.5 mg/dL), 1 WBC, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR Head CT scan: normal. NR Favorable; recovery within 14 days (Yin, Feng, 2020)
Brescia, Italy 60, M Five-day progressive irritability, confusion, asthenia, cognitive fluctuations; evolving to severe akinetic mutism, positive palmomental & glabella reflexes, & nuchal rigidity Fever & cough (3 days after onset of neurologic symptoms) ↑ D-dimer (968 μg/L); normal CBCdiff, CRP, fibrinogen & ferritin; negative autoimmune encephalitis antibody panel; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Admission: ↑ protein (69.6 mg/dL), 18 WBC (100% lymphocytes), negative culture/viral/COVID-19 rRT-PCR.
Repeat one day after steroid: ↑protein (127.2 mg/dL), 18 WBC (100% lymphocytes); ↑ IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α & β2-microglobulin; normal tau & neurofilament light; negative culture / viral / COVID-19 rRT-PCR
Head CT scan: normal.
Brain MRI: normal.
EEG: generalized slowing with decreased reactivity to acoustic stimuli.
Lopinavir, ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, ampicillin & acyclovir, 5-day methylprednisolone (1 g/day), post-discharge oral prednisone with rapid taper Favorable; residual mild disinhibition & fluctuating alertness; normal exam on day 11 (Pilotto, Odolini, 2020)
Varese, Italy 22, F Admission: acute loss of consciousness, hypocapnia & hypoxia, requiring intubation.
Day 15: acute flaccid paraparesis, lower hyperreflexia, urine/bowel incontinence, & lower limbs hypoesthesia
Dyspnea & fever (concurrent) Leukocytosis (28.7 K), ↑ CRP (136.1 mg/L), D-dimer (>9000 μg/L), glucose (744 mg/dL), LDH (729 U/L) & AST (144 U/L); normal RFT; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Day 18: mild ↑ protein (53 mg/dL), normal WBC, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR. Head CT / CT angiogram (admission): a tiny right frontal parenchymal hemorrhage; no vascular malformations.
Brain & Spine MRI: Only a late subacute phase tiny frontal hemorrhage (8 mm of maximum diameter)
Antiviral & immunomodulatory therapies Favorable; recovery after 15 days (Giorgianni et al., 2020)
Barcelona, Spain 25, M One-day headache, left-sided paresthesia, & ipsilateral paresis, evolving to confusion & agitation (12h) Concurrent fever Mild ↑ D-dimer (600 μg/L), normal CBCdiff ↑ protein (105.5 mg/dL), IL-1β (14.8 pg/mL), IL-6 (190 pg/mL) & ACE (15.5 U/L); normal WBC, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR. Head CT scan / brain MRI: normal. Acyclovir, ampicillin, & ceftriaxone Favorable, recovery within 1 day (Bodro et al., 2020)
Barcelona, Spain 49, M 7-day myalgia with acute difficulty naming objects, temporospatial disorientation, confusion, & agitation Persistent fever, myalgias & cough (7 days prios) Mild lymphocytopenia, mild ↑ D-dimer (600 μg/L), LDH (254 U/L) & ferritin (428 μg/L) ↑ protein (115.5 mg/dL), IL-6 (25 pg/mL) & ACE (10.9 U/L); normal WBC, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR. Head CT scan / brain MRI (day 2): normal. Acyclovir, ampicillin, & ceftriaxone Favorable, recovering within 3 days (Bodro, Compta, 2020)
Lausanne, Switzerland 64, F Acute psychosis, tonic-clonic seizure followed by disorientation, attention deficit, verbal and motor perseverations, bilateral grasping, alternating with psychotic symptoms (hyper-religiosity with mystic delusions, visual hallucinations). Mild fatigue, myalgia, cough (5 days prior) Positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab ↑ Protein (466 mg/dL), 17 WBC, negative culture, viral PCR & COVID-19 rRT-PCR & anti-NMDA
Brain MRI: normal.
Admission EEG: nonconvulsive, focal status epilepticus (abundant bursts of anterior low-medium voltage irregular spike-and waves superimposed on an irregularly slowed theta background)
Repeat EEG at 56 h: normal.
IV clonazepam & valproate Favorable; recovery within 96 h (Bernard-Valnet, Pizzarotti, 2020)
Lausanne, Switzerland 67, F Intense wake-up headache followed by drowsiness and confusion, motor perseverations, bilateral grasping, aggressiveness and left hemianopia and sensory hemineglect Mild respiratory symptoms with confirmed COVID-19 (17 days prior) Positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab ↑ Protein (461 mg/dL), 21 WBC, negative culture, viral PCR & COVID-19 rRT-PCR Brain MRI: normal. Transient ceftriaxone, amoxicillin &
Favorable; recovery within 24 h (Bernard-Valnet, Pizzarotti, 2020)
Istanbul, Turkey 6 cases (22–59 age range), one F Encephalopathy, failure in gaining consciousness, developing agitation & delirium upon extubation ARDS requiring intubation Leukocytosis (11–42 K); ↑ CRP (32–732 mg/L), D-dimer (730–7930 μg/L), LDH (271–1110 U/L), ferritin (555–5235 μg/L), ↑ IL-6 (3 patients checked, 481–9192 pg/mL) ↑ Protein (5 cases, 57–131 mg/dL), 0 WBC, normal glucose, ↑ IgG (5 cases checked), negative oligoclonal bands & culture / viral PCR / COVID-19 rRT-PCR. Brain MRI (3 cases): cortical/white matter hyperintensities, contrast enhancement, and sulcal hemorrhagic features, compatible with meningoencephalitis.
Brain MRI (3 cases): normal
Plasmapheresis Early gain of consciousness in 4 patients; one death due to COVID-19 worsening & cardiac arrest; prolonged ICU stay in one case due to CMV infection (Dogan, Kaya, 2020)
Boca Raton, USA 74, M (originally from Netherland) Headache & progressive altered mental status Fever & cough (one day prior) Negative blood culture, urinalysis & Influenza A and B tests; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Mild ↑ protein (68 mg/dL), 4 WBC; negative culture, viral panel & COVID-19 rRT-PCR negative Head CT scan: a left temporal region encephalomalacia, related to prior history of embolic stroke.
EEG: bilateral slowing & focal slowing in the left temporal region with sharply countered waves.
Hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, ritonavir, vancomycin, meropenem & acyclovir. Poor; critically ill (Filatov, Sharma, 2020)
Telford, UK 40, M (originally from Nigeria) On admission day 3: gait instability; evolving to diplopia, oscillopsia, limb ataxia, right arm numbness, hiccups, bifacial/tongue weakness, upbeat nystagmus & normal reflexes (day 4) Fever, dyspnea & malaise (10 days prior) Admission: marginally ↑ CRP (50 mg/L), ALT (88 U/L) & GGT (107 U/L); normal CBCdiff; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab.
Later: ↑ LFTs; Liver ultrasound: an inflammatory diffusely hypoechoic liver with a raised periportal & pericholecystic echogenicity.
Normal protein (42.3 mg/dL), 0 WBC; COVID-19 rRT-PCR not done (low volume tap) Brain/cervical spine MRI: hyperintensity in the right inferior cerebellar peduncle, extending to involve a small portion of the upper cord, measuring 13 mm in
maximum cross-sectional area and 28 mm in longitudinal extent, swelling at the affected tissue and associated microhemorrhage; suggestive of inflammatory rhombencephalitis & myelitis.
Supportive care, gabapentin (300 mg twice daily) Favorable; recovery with residual oscillopsia & ataxia (Wong, Craik, 2020a)
New York, USA 74, M Acute confusion following falls; evolving to combative behavior in hospital. Admission: fever
Day 5: new atrial fibrillation
Admission: thrombocytopenia (122K), positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab.
Day 3: ↑ D-dimer (740 μg/L)
Day 7: ↑ CRP (183.5 mg/L), ferritin (2837 μg/L)
Day 10: ↑ D-dimer (5850 μg/L)
NR Head CT scan: unchanged nonspecific patchy subcortical & periventricular hypodensities.
Brain autopsy: 80 to 110 nm viral particles in frontal lobe brain sections with Pleomorphic spherical viral-like particles observed in small vesicles of endothelial cell, distended cytoplasmic vacuoles containing enveloped viral particle in neural cell bodies, positive COVID-19 rRT-PCR.
Admission: Hydroxychloroquine (4 days), enoxaparin S.C.
Day 5: tocilizumab & metoprolol
Death at day 1 due to pneumonia and respiratory failure related to COVID-19 (Paniz-Mondolfi et al., 2020)
Los Angeles, USA 41, F Same-day headache, new onset seizure, lethargy, neck stiffness & photophobia Admission: fever ↑ lactic acid (4.8 mM/L); normal WBC, CK, LFT & RFT; negative nasopharyngeal swab for influenza A and B viruses; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab. ↑ Protein (100 mg/dL), 70 WBC (100% lymphocytes), negative culture & viral PCR, positive COVID-19 rRT-PCR, Head CT scan: normal.
EEG: generalized slowing with no epileptic discharges.
Transient ceftriaxone, vancomycin & acyclovir; levetiracetam; hydroxychloroquine Favorable; recovery within 12 days (Duong et al., 2020, Huang, Jiang, 2020b)

Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalopathy
Detroit, USA Late 50, F Three-day altered mental status Fever & cough (concurrent) Positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Limited data due to traumatic LP, negative culture & viral PCR; unable to test COVID-19 rRT-PCR. Head CT scan: symmetric hypoattenuation within the bilateral medial thalami.
Head CT angiogram / venogram: normal.
Brain MRI: hemorrhagic rim enhancing lesions within the bilateral thalami, medial temporal lobes, and subinsular regions.
IVIG NR (Poyiadji, Shahin, 2020)

Acute CNS demyelination: Brain and/or Spinal Cord
Wuhan, China 66, M Same-day rapidly progressive paraparesis, hyporeflexia, bladder & bowel incontinence, sensory loss below T10 level Fever & fatigue (6 days prior) Prior admission: positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab.
Admission: Leukocytosis (11.8 K), lymphocytopenia; ↑ IL-6 (56.7 pg/mL), CRP (278 mg/L), amyloid (1844 mg/L), procalcitonin (4.33 ng/mL), AST (50 U/L) & ALT (56.4 U/L); normal CK, LDH, troponin & RFT
Not done Head CT scan: bilateral basal ganglia and paraventricular lacunar infarction & brain atrophy.
Brain MRI: not done.
Ganciclovir, lopinavir, ritonavir, moxifloxacin, meropenem, glutathione, dexamethasone, IVIG (15 g/day for 7 days), mecobalamin & pantoprazole Favorable; partial recovery after 7 days (Zhao et al., 2020b)
Denmark 28, F Severn-day persistent lumbosacral pain, progressive ascending paresthesia/sensory loss mid-chest below the nipple line, bilateral upper extremities, and tip of tongue; evolving to urinary retention, nausea & vomiting in 48 h; Lhermitte's sign & wide-based gait Cough, fever, lumbar pain, myalgias & rhinorrhea (7 days prior) Prior admission: positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab ↑ Protein (60 mg/dL) & 125 WBC; Spine MRI: Widespread elongated signal changes throughout the spinal cord to the conus medullaris and involving the medulla, overall suggestive of longitudinally extensive acute transverse myelitis Prednisone & 2 plasmapheresis sessions Favorable; improvement within 8 days (Sarma and Bilello, 2020)
Marseille, France 54, F Admission: altered mental status
Day 10: slight improvement in mental status, but right hemiplegia
Fever, asthenia, dyspnea (8 days prior) Admission: ↑ CRP (346 mg/L), LFTs & ferritin, positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Admission: traumatic LP but normal protein and WBCs, negative culture/viral/ COVID-19 rRT-PCR.
Repeat (day 9): Unchanged.
Head CT scan (day 2): hypodense lesions involving supratentorial white matter & pallidum bilaterally.
EEG: slowed background activity.
Brain MRI (day 7): Multiple supratentorial punctiform and tumefactive lesions involving the white matter bilaterally and showing hypersignal on coronal FLAIR, axial T2-weighted, & DWI with low ADC. Some periventricular lesions or involving the corpus callosum with a mass effect on the left lateral ventricle. No intracranial vessels abnormalities.
Repeat MRI (day 10): unchanged, but all homogenous contrast enhancement without any sign of hemorrhage in all lesions.
Spine MRI: normal.
Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid; Day 12: steroid therapy after negative COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab NR (Brun, Hak, 2020)
Brescia, Italy 54, F Acute unconsciousness at home; evolving to hypoxia & intubation No symptoms; anosmia & ageusia (several days prior) Lymphocytopenia, ↑ CRP (41.3 mg/L) & fibrinogen (520 mg/dL); positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Normal, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR Head CT scan: normal.
EEG: two seizures starting from right frontotemporal region & diffusing in homologous contralateral hemisphere.
Brain MRI: numerous periventricular white matter alterations, confluent with each other & compatible with demyelinating lesions, adjacent to the temporal, frontal & occipital horns & to the trigones, hyperintense in T2, without restriction of diffusion & without contrast enhancement.
Cervical/thoracic spine MRI: numerous focal hyperintense intramedullary signal alterations in T2 & without contrast enhancement, located at the bulb-medullary junction, at C2 and from C3 to T6 levels.
Hydroxychloroquine, lacosamide, levetiracetam, phenytoin, dexamethasone (10-day 20 mg/day & 10-day 10 mg/day) Favorable, recovery after 12 days (Zanin, Saraceno, 2020)
Genova, Italy 64, F Acute bilateral vision impairment, right leg numbness, headache, mild irritability, bilateral RAPD, ageusia & anosmia, right abdominal sensory level, left lower limb hyperreflexia & Babinski sign. Flu-like symptoms, & persistent ageusia & anosmia (25 days prior) Negative COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab, positive anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG, negative AQ4 & anti-MOG antibody Mild ↑ protein (45.2 mg/dL), 22 WBC (T-lymphocytic), negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR Brain/spine MRI: multiple T1 post-contrast enhancing lesions of the brain, associated with a single spinal cord lesion at T8 level & with bilateral optic nerve enhancement, suspicion about ADEM.
Follow-up MRI: a partial improvement with a reduction in the number of contrast-enhancing lesions.
Methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 5 days) oral prednisone (75 mg/day), IVIG (2 g/kg for 5 days) Favorable; improvement after 14 days of treatment (Novi, Rossi, 2020)
Esslingen, Germany 60, M Two-day urinating problem, progressive spastic paraparesis, hypesthesia below T9 level & Babinski's sign Respiratory symptoms (8 days prior) Prior admission: positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab
Admission: normal CRP, negative COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab
Admission: ↑ protein (79.3 mg/dL), 16 WBC (lymphocytic), no oligoclonal band.
Repeat: ↑ protein (117.7 mg/dL), 27 WBC (lymphocytic); negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR both times, negative SARS-CoV-2 IgG.
Day 12: ↑ protein (73.4 mg/dL), 3 WBC
Brain MRI: normal.
Spine MRI: T2 signal hyperintensity of the thoracic spinal cord at T9 level, suggestive of acute transverse myelitis.
Spine MRI (day 6): patchy hyperintensity of the thoracic myelin at T9-T10 & T3-T5 level, suggestive of transverse myelitis.
Transient acyclovir & ceftriaxone; Day 7: methylprednisolone (100 mg/day) with taper after discharge Favorable; recovery within 13 days with slight spastic paraparesis & hypesthesia below T9 level (Munz, Wessendorf, 2020)
Ann Arbor, USA 61, F Two-day progressive distal limbs paresthesia & paraparesis; evolving to sensory loss till abdomen level, constipation & lower hyporeflexia on admission Rhinorrhea & chills (5 days prior) Lymphocytopenia, positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab Day 11: ↑ Protein (87 mg/dL), 3 WBC, no oligoclonal band, negative encephalitis antibody panel, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR.
Day 20 (repeat): ↑ Protein (153 mg/dL), 1 WBC, negative COVID-19 rRT-PCR.
Spine MRI: Extensive ill-defined patchy hyperintense signal throughout the central aspect of the spinal cord on STIR, T2-weighted axial indicating mild enlargement of the spinal cord caliber & hyperintense signal without contrast enhancement. Methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 5 days) & plasmapheresis (5 sessions) Poor, incomplete recovery (Valiuddin, Skwirsk, 2020)
Dubai, UAE 32, M One-day progressive paraparesis, lower hyporeflexia & urinating problem Fever & flu-like symptoms (2 days prior); PE (one day after admission) Normal ESR, WBC & ferritin; ↓ Hgb (10.7 g/dL); ↑ CRP (42 mg/L), D-dimer (2000 μg/L) & procalcitonin (0.13 μg/L); mild ↑ CK (252 U/L), prolonged PT (16.8 s), aPTT (51.3 s) & INR (1.33), positive Lupus anticoagulant antibody; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab NR Spine MRI: Diffuse hyperintensity predominantly in cervical, dorsal, & lumbar gray matter, mild enlargement & swelling of cervical cord, no cord or nerve root enhancement; DWI & ADC showing restricted diffusion, overall suggestive of acute myelitis. Methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 5 days), acyclovir, & enoxaparin Favorable; improvement after steroid therapy (AlKetbi, AlNuaimi, 2020)

Acute Necrotizing Myelitis
Terrassa, Spain 68, F Seven-day radicular neck pain, left hand numbness/weakness, & imbalance; evolving to both hand weakness / numbness & paraparesis with sphincter incontinence (few days after steroid therapy) Fever & cough (8 days prior) Negative AQ4 & anti-MOG antibody; positive COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab ↑ Protein (283 mg/dL), 75 WBC (98% lymphocytes), no oligoclonal bands, negative neuronal surface antibodies, Brain MRI: normal.
Spine MRI: T2-hyperintensity extending from the medulla oblongata to C7, involving most of the cord with diffuse patchy enhancing lesions, suggesting acute transverse myelitis.
Repeat MRI (7 days): transversally & caudally progression until T6 level with similar enhancement & a new area of central necrosis at the T1 level with peripheral enhancement.
Repeat MRI (after plasmapheresis): significant decreases of both myelitis extension & enhancement, with necrosis area in evolution.
2 cycles of methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 5 days) with oral prednisone taper, plasma exchange Favorable; slow recovery (Sotoca and Rodríguez-Álvarez, 2020)

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; ADEM, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; aPTT, activated partial-thromboplastin time; AQ4, antiaquaporin-4; BCx, blood culture; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; AST, Aspartate transaminase; CBCdiff, complete blood count with differential; CK, creatine kinase; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CRP, C-reactive protein; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; EEG, electroencephalography; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; F, female; FLAIR, fluid attenuated inversion recovery; HSV, herpes simplex virus; ICU, intensive care unit; IL, interleukin; INR, international normalized ratio; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LFT, liver function test; LP, lumbar puncture; M, male; RAPD, relative afferent pupillary defect; MOG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; NR, not reported; RFT, renal function test; rRT-PCR, real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α; UCx, urine culture; VZV, varicella zoster virus.