Effects of curcumin supplementation on intestinal lesion scores of Eimeria spp. nonchallenged and challenged broiler birds. abMeans followed by different letters in superscript differ by Duncan's test (P < 0.05). Challenged group inoculated with 50,000 oocyst/bird of Eimeria maxima, 50,000 oocyst/bird of E. tenella and 250,000 oocysts/birds of E. acervulina on day 14 post hatch. Intestinal lesion scoring was done 6 dpi for 48 birds/treatment. The average of lesion scores is presented in the figures. Abbreviations: C control, challenged control; curcumin 100, 100 mg/kg curcumin; curcumin 200, 200 mg/kg curcumin; NC control, nonchallenged control.