Fig. 3. Slx8 STUbL is necessary for anchoring to NPCs and RDR but not for safeguarding fork-integrity.
a Co-localization events in S-phase cells in indicated conditions and strains, as described on Fig. 2a. p value was calculated by Fisher’s exact test. b MSD of the RFB in OFF and ON conditions in n S phase cells of slx8-29 mutant grown at permissive (25oC, left panel) and restrictive (32 °C, right panel) temperature over indicated time interval (Δt). p value was calculated as a one sided t-test based on MSD curves. Black bars correspond to SEM. c Diagram of constructs containing the reporter gene ura4-sd20 (green) associated (t-ura4sd20 < ori) or not (t-ura4sd20-ori) to the RFB. The non-functional ura4-sd20 allele, containing a 20-nt duplication flanked by micro-homology, is located downstream of the RFB. Upon activation of the RFB, a restarted fork can replicate the ura4-sd20 and the HR-mediated non-processive DNA synthesis favors the deletion of the duplication, resulting in a functional ura4+ gene, generating Ura+ cells. As control, the construct devoid of RFB is used to monitor the spontaneous frequency of RS that is then subtracted to obtain the frequency of RFB-induced RS. d Frequency of RFB-induced Ura+ reversion in indicated strains and conditions. Each dot represents one sample from n independent biological replicate. Bars indicate mean values ± SD. p value was calculated by two-sided t-test. e Binding of Rad51 to the RFB in WT and slx8-29 strains at indicated temperature. ChIP-qPCR results are presented as RFB ON/OFF ratio for each mutant. Distances from the RFB are presented in bp. Values are mean from three independent biological replicates ± SEM. f Top panel: Scheme of replication intermediates (RI) analyzed by neutral-neutral 2DGE of the AseI restriction fragment in RFB OFF and ON conditions. Partial restriction digestion caused by psoralen-crosslinks results in a secondary arc indicated on scheme by blue dashed lines. Bottom panels: Representative RI analysis in indicated strains and conditions. The ura4 gene was used as probe. Numbers indicate the percentage of forks blocked by the RFB ± SD. g Quantification of resected forks. Values are mean of two independent biological repeats.