HITTIN and HIT individuals harbor similar antibody profiles across subclasses/isotypes and antigens. A: Plasma levels of IgG, IgA1 and IgM reactive to ESAT6/CFP10, PPD and LAM were profiled across HIV-1-infected persistently TB, tuberculin and IGRA negative (HITTIN) (n=38) and HIV-1-infected IGRA positive tuberculin positive (HIT) individuals (n=35) represented by median fluorescent intensity (MFI) using a customized Luminex assay. The antigen-specific isotype levels are plotted for the two different groups, HITTIN (green) and HIT individuals (blue), the median is depicted, the dotted line represents the median level detected in HIV-negative, healthy North American volunteers. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare between groups. B and C: LASSO-PLSDA was performed utilizing antigen-specific antibody levels (total number of initial features=48). The scores plot (B) shows the distribution of groups (each dot represents one individual) across two latent variables (LV1 and 2), driven by the down selected features (C). P-values shown in Fig. 4 calculated with Mann-Whitney test.