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. 2020 Nov 7;20:672. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03367-z

Table 3.

Multivariable logistic analyses for severe degree fear of childbirth and associated factors among pregnant women, Arba Minch town, southern Ethiopia, 2019

Variables Severe degree Fear of childbirth COR 95%CI AOR 95%CI
Yes (n, %) No (n, %)
Educational status No formal education 10(35.7%) 18(64.3%) 1.88(0.79, 4.5) 0.96(0.36, 2.55)
Primary education 31(26.5%) 86(73.5%) 1.22 (0.69, 2.17) 0.60(0.22, 1.61)
Secondary education 23(21.7% 83(78.3%) 0.94(0.509, 1.73) 0.79(0.30, 2.09)
College and above 31(22.8%) 105(77.2%) 1 1
Parity Nulliparous 38(29.5%) 91(70.5%) 1.47(0.91, 2.38) 1.61(0.94, 2.74
Multiparous 57(22.5%) 201(77.9%) 1 1
Planned pregnancy No 16(41%) 23(59%) 2.34(1.2, 4.70* 2.30(1.12, 4.74)*
Yes 79(22.7%) 269(77.3%) 1 1
Current pregnancy complication Yes 17(60.7%) 11(39.3%) 5.57(2.5, 12.34)** 6.24(2.72, 14.29)**
No 78(21.75%) 281(78.3%) 1 1
Husband support No 11(34.4%) 21(65.6%) 1.7(0.78, 3.65) 0.84(0.36, 1.99)
Yes 84(23.7%) 271(76.3%) 1 1
Social support Poor support 38(37.3%) 64(62.7%) 1.94(1.04, 3.63)* 1.93(1.01, 3.68)*
Moderate support 35(18.3%) 156(81.7%) 0.73(0.40, 1.34) 0.66 (0.35, 1.24)
Strong support 22(23.4%) 72(76.6%) 1 1

*p-value<0.05, **p-value=0.001, AOR Adjusted Odd Ratio, COR Crude Odd Ratio, CI Confidence interval