Figure 2.
Phase Shifts between FBP17 Isoforms in Traveling Waves
(A) Diagram of domain structures of long isoform FBP17 (FBP17L) and short isoform (FBP17S) with fluorescence tags fused at the N terminus. The IDR is shown in yellow.
(B) Images (left) and kymographs (right) of co-overexpressed GFP-FBP17L and mCherry-FBP17S in RBL cells.
(C) Top: Intensity profile of GFP-FBP17L (green) and mCherry-FBP17S (magenta) channels. Bottom left: aligned peaks of the green channel (shown in grey) from the top plots. Signal in mCherry channel (magenta) was plotted based on the same alignment in GFP channel. Bottom right: Cross-correlation of GFP relative to mCherry channel.
(D) Images (left) and kymographs (right) of co-overexpressed FBP17 GFP-FBP17S and mCherry-FBP17L in RBL cells.
(E) Top: Intensity profile of GFP-FBP17S (green) and mCherry-FBP17L (magenta) channels. Bottom left: aligned peaks of the green channel (shown in grey) from the top plots. Signal in mCherry channel (magenta) was plotted based on the same alignment in GFP channel. Bottom right: Cross-correlation of GFP relative to mCherry channel.
(F and G) Intensity profile (left), and cross-correlation (right) of F-BARFBP17-GFP (F) and F-BAR+IDR-GFP (G) relative to FBP17S-mCherry.
Scale bar: 10 μm in (B and D). Time resolution: 0.42 s (B and C), 0.32 s (D and E), 0.40 s (F and G).