Comparison on national grant support for basic research in the fields of hepatology and ALD in major Western countries and China (1986–2019). Changes in number of funded projects and total funding amounts of all liver-related projects and corresponding percentage of ALD projects in those projects from the US [National Institutes of Health (NIH)], China [National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)], Japan [Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)], Australia [National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)], Germany [German Research Foundation (DFG)], the UK [Research Councils UK (RCUK)], France [French National Research Agency (ANR)], and Spain [El Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)]. Information on funded projects was manually collected and selected by searching project titles with the keywords “liver,” “hepatic,” “hepatitis,” “hepatoma,” “cirrhosis,” “hepatocyte,” “Kupffer,” and “Wilson” in the NSFC information system (, NIH Project Reporter system (, KAKENHI database (, NHMRC Research Funding Statistics and Database (, German Project Information System (, RCUK Gateway to Research System (, ANR Funded Projects and Impact Database (, and ISCIII Fondo de Investigación en Salud ( in March, 2020. The Spanish keywords used were “hígado,” “hepático,” “hepática,” “hepatitis,” “hepatocito,” “hepatoma,” “cirrosis,” “Kupffer,” and “Wilson.”