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. 2020 Oct 26;12:563559. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2020.563559


Neuropsychological test results.

EOAD (n = 53) YC (n = 33) EOAD vs. YC P value LOAD (n = 44) OC (n = 31) LOAD vs. OC P value EOAD vs. LOAD P-value
Digit Span Forward −0.631.50 0.730.93 < 0.001a 0.091.07 0.761.03 0.010a 0.020a
Digit Span Backward −1.571.52 0.141.28 < 0.001a −0.561.28 0.111.14 0.024a 0.001a
Language and related function
K-BNT −2.112.61 0.051.00 < 0.001a −1.901.59 0.030.91 < 0.001a 0.774
Visuospatial function
RCFT copy −5.565.82 0.580.57 < 0.001a −0.511.86 0.340.74 0.010a < 0.001a
SVLT, immediate recall −2.281.29 −0.131.02 < 0.001a −1.550.97 −0.050.84 < 0.001a 0.004a
SVLT, delayed recall −2.560.83 −0.130.95 < 0.001a −1.960.59 0.100.97 < 0.001a < 0.001a
SVLT, recognition −2.761.51 −0.121.50 < 0.001a −1.501.31 0.000.83 < 0.001a < 0.001a
RCFT, immediate recall −1.940.74 0.750.92 < 0.001a −1.200.76 0.411.14 < 0.001a < 0.001a
RCFT, delayed recall −2.220.84 0.701.01 < 0.001a −1.460.77 0.461.03 < 0.001a < 0.001a
RCFT, recognition −2.241.52 0.221.04 < 0.001a −1.731.62 −0.210.98 < 0.001a 0.194
Frontal executive function
COWAT, animal −2.141.01 −0.221.07 < 0.001a −1.720.94 −0.240.92 < 0.001a 0.039a,b
COWAT, supermarket −1.810.96 0.050.94 < 0.001a −1.240.96 0.020.98 < 0.001a 0.005a
COWAT, phonemic total −1.311.36 0.261.04 < 0.001a −0.870.96 0.131.00 < 0.001a 0.092
Stroop test, color reading −2.391.30 0.130.75 < 0.001a −0.971.05 0.111.15 < 0.001a < 0.001a
TMT-A −7.7711.75 0.590.77 < 0.001a −1.903.81 −0.171.93 0.018a 0.001a
TMT-B −8.366.19 0.011.00 < 0.001a −2.922.32 −0.091.23 < 0.001a < 0.001a

All data are z-scores derived on age- and education-adjusted norms and presented as mean ± standard deviation. Comparisons between EOAD and LOAD were adjusted for clinical dementia rating-sum of boxes. aP < 0.05; binsignificant after region-wise correction for multiple comparisons. Abbreviations: EOAD, early onset Alzheimer’s disease; YC, young control; LOAD, late-onset Alzheimer’s disease; OC, old control; K-BNT, Korean version of the Boston naming test; RCFT, Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test; SVLT, Seoul verbal learning test; COWAT, controlled oral word association test; TMT-A/B, trail making test type A/B.