Figure 7.
In vivo therapeutic outcome of test samples. (A) Photographs of the mice before (0th day) and after (30th day) treatments (the red arrow indicated the position of magnetic attraction). (B) Tumors collected from different groups of the mice at the endpoint of treatments (30th day). (C) Tumor growth curves in A549 tumor-bearing mice after different treatments. Statistical analysis was performed using the two-tailed Student’s t-test (n=4, *p<0.05, **p<0.01) (D) Tumor growth sizes in A549 tumor-bearing mice after different treatments at Day 30. Statistical analysis was performed using the Tukey’s multiple comparison test (n=4, ***p<0.05). The Mice were treated with IONPs-PSPps NPs or IONPs-PSPps@DOX NPs, and one of the tumors received or did not receive assistance from a magnet for 30 min as well as with (+AMF) or without (-AMF) exposure to AMF at 10 kW for 15 min.