(A) Shown is a schematic of the experimental paradigm to assess the influence of chronic CNO administration in the background strain for the bigenic CamKIIα-tTA::TetO-hM3Dq, namely the C57BL/6J mouse strain. C57BL/6J mouse pups were fed CNO (PNCNO; 1 mg/kg) or vehicle from P2 to P14 and then left undisturbed for 3 months prior to behavioral analysis performed in adulthood on male mice. (B) Shown are representative tracks of vehicle or PNCNO-treated background strain, adult male mice in the open field test (OFT). A history of chronic postnatal CNO treatment did not influence anxiety-like behavior on the OFT in adulthood, with no change observed in the percent distance traveled in center (C), percent time spent in the center (D), the number of entries to the center (E), or the total distance traversed in the OFT arena (F) in PNCNO-treated background strain mice as compared to the vehicle-treated background strain control group (n = 12 per group). (G) Shown are representative tracks of vehicle or PNCNO-treated background strain male mice on the elevated plus maze (EPM). Chronic postnatal CNO treatment did not alter anxiety-like behavior on the EPM, with no change observed in percent distance traveled (H), percent time spent (I), number of entries (J) in the open arms of the EPM, or the total distance traveled in the EPM arena (K) between PNCNO-treated background strain mice as compared to vehicle-treated background strain controls (n = 12 per group). (L) Shown is a schematic of the light-dark box used to assess anxiety-like behavior. Chronic postnatal CNO administration did not influence anxiety-like behavior in the LD box test in adulthood, with no change noted for either the number of entries to the light box (M) or the time spent in the light box (N) in PNCNO-treated background strain mice as compared to vehicle-treated controls (n = 12 per group). (O) Shown is a schematic representation of the forced swim test (FST) apparatus used to assess despair-like behavior. Chronic postnatal CNO administration did not influence despair-like behavior on the FST in adulthood, with no change in time spent immobile (P) in PNCNO-treated background strain mice as compared to vehicle-treated controls (n = 12 per group). Results are expressed as the mean ± S.E.M.