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. 2020 Nov 9;10:19294. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76345-2

Table 2.

Clinical features and histopathologic findings in patients with hydroa vacciniforme-like lymphoproliferative disease at our institution.

Patient no. Sex Age at diagnosis, years (age at onset, years) Cutaneous manifestations IHC, EBER-1 ISH, TCRγ gene rearrangement Serum EBV DNA load (copies/mL) UVA provocation test Extracutaneous involvement Treatment Disease course Follow-up (months) Last status during follow-up
1 F 7 (6) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and oral ulcer CD3+, CD20+ a few, Ki-67 10%, EBV ISH+ 15,462,763 Positive None Observation Partial remission and recurrence 72 AWD
2 M 10 (9) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face CD3+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, EBV ISH+ ND Negative None Systemic steroid, minocycline Partial remission and recurrence 216 AWD
37 F 11 (5) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and arm, and oral ulcer CD3+, CD45RO+, CD8+, CD20−, CD56+ few, LMP-1−, EBV ISH+ 1,784,901 ND None Systemic steroid on recurrence Partial remission and recurrence 180 AWD
48 F 12 (3) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, and leg CD3+, CD45RO+, CD56−, S-100−, lysozyme+ focal, EBV ISH+ ND ND Liver, spleen, bone marrow Oral acyclovir Progressed to aggressive NK-cell leukemia 108 DOD
59 F 15 (10) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and arm CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, Ki-67+ a few, LMP-1−, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene arrangement− ND Negative None Observation Remission 36 AWD
6 M 17 (17) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and trunk, and oral ulcer CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ focal, CD20−, CD56−, TIA-1+, Ki-67 70%, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement− 8,463,700 ND Bone marrow Systemic steroid → chemotherapy Progressed to systemic EBV+ T-cell lymphoma 12 AWD
710 M 17 (8) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and forearm CD45RO+, CD20−, EBV ISH+ ND Negative Cervical lymph node, liver, spleen Systemic steroid, chemotherapy Progressed to systemic EBV+ T-cell lymphoma NS AWD
8 M 18 (6) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, and trunk CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ focal, CD20−, CD30+ a few, CD56+, granzyme B+, Ki-67 10%, EBV ISH+ 47,925,563 Positive Cervical lymph node, spleen, iliac bone, bone marrow Systemic steroid → chemotherapy Progressed to systemic EBV+ T-cell lymphoma 12 DOD
9 F 19 (17) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and arm, oral ulcer, and facial swelling CD3+, CD4−, CD8−, CD20−, CD56−, CD30−, EBV ISH+ 693,642 ND right breast, lung, spleen, liver, pelvic bone, bone marrow Systemic steroid → chemotherapy Progressed to extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type 24 DOD
10 M 19 (4) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, trunk, and ankle CD20+ a few, CD56+ a few, LMP-1−, EBV ISH+ 79,396 ND None Observation Remission 204 AWD
1110 M 19 (4) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and forearm CD45RO+, CD20−, EBV ISH+ ND Negative None Systemic steroid, oral acyclovir Partial remission NS AWD
1210 M 21 (19) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and oral ulcer CD45RO+, CD20−, EBV ISH+ ND Negative Cervical lymph node, liver Systemic steroid Progressed to Systemic EBV+ T-cell lymphoma NS DOD
13 M 24 (10) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, and trunk CD3+, CD45RO+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, granzyme B+ a few, Ki-67 1%, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement− 1,840,744 ND Liver, spleen, bone marrow Systemic steroid → chemotherapy Progressed to Systemic EBV+ T-cell lymphoma 120 DOD
1410 M 24 (18) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and forearm CD45RO+, CD20−, EBV ISH+ ND Negative Cervical lymph node, spleen Systemic steroid Progressed to peripheral T-cell lymphoma of adulthood NS DOD
15 M 26 (25) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ focal, CD 20+ a few, CD30+ focal, CD56−, Ki-67 15%, TCR gamma gene rearrangement+ 30,917,751 ND Cervical and axillary lymph node, spleen Systemic steroid → chemotherapy Progressed to peripheral T-cell lymphoma of adulthood 204 AWD
169 M 28 (22) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, Ki-67+ a few, LMP-1−, EBV ISH+, TCR gene rearrangement− ND Positive None Observation Remission 36 AWD
179 F 28 (26) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and facial swelling CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, Ki-67 15%, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement− ND ND None Systemic steroid Partial remission and recurrence 36 Death
189 M 29 (25) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, and trunk CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, Ki-67+ (< 5%), EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement− ND Positive None Systemic steroid Partial remission and recurrence 36 AWD
19 F 30 (27) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and oral ulcer CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, LMP-1−, Ki-67 < 5%, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement+ ND ND Cervical and axillary lymph node Chemotherapy Progressed to or accompanied extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type 12 AWD
20 M 32 (15) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face and oral ulcer CD3+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, granzyme B+, EBV ISH+, Ki-67 20% 54,275 ND Palate, bone marrow Chemotherapy, daratumumab Progressed to extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type 48 AWD
2111 F 33 (30) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20−, CD30−, CD56−, Ki-67 20%, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement− ND Positive Cervical lymph node, stomach Chemotherapy Progressed to Systemic EBV+ T-cell lymphoma 18 AWD
2211 M 34 (33) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, and trunk, and oral ulcer CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20−, CD30−, CD56−, Ki-67 20%, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement+ ND ND Bone marrow Chemotherapy Progressed to Systemic EBV+ T-cell lymphoma 24 AWD
239 M 37 (32) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, and trunk CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, Ki-67+ (< 5%), EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement− ND ND Cervical lymph node Chemotherapy Partial remission and recurrence 36 AWD
24 M 38 (38) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face CD3+, CD4+ focal, CD8+ focal, CD20−, CD56−, granzyme B+ focal, Ki-67+, EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement+ 925,529 ND Lung (Hodgkin lymphoma), bone marrow, spleen, bone Systemic steroid → chemotherapy Progressed to EBV+ Hodgkin lymphoma 96 AWD
259 F 39 (36) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, arm, and trunk CD3+, CD45RO+, CD20+ a few, CD56−, Ki-67+ (< 5%), EBV ISH+, TCR gamma gene rearrangement− ND Positive Cervical lymph node Chemotherapy Partial remission and recurrence 36 AWD
2612 F 70 (70) Erythematous crusted papulovesicles on the face, oral ulcer, and facial swelling CD2+, CD3+, CD4+ a few, CD5+, CD8+ focal, CD20−, CD30−, CD56−, EBV ISH 200,500 Negative None Topical steroid Partial remission and recurrence 12 AWD

AWD alive with the disease, DOD died of disease, EBER-1 ISH EBV-encoded small nonpolyadenylated RNA (EBER)-1 by in situ hybridization, F female, IHC immunohistochemistry, M male, ND not done, NS not specified exact follow-up duration.