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. 2020 Nov 10;3(4):262–269. doi: 10.1007/s41996-020-00071-0

Table 2.

Coefficients for ordinary least squares regression of demographic indicators on economic coping and stress using the 2020 Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors National Survey

Economic Stress Economic Coping
VARIABLES β s.e. β s.e.
Reference category: grandparent
  Parent 1 0.494** (0.239) 0.784** (0.374)
  Parent all else 2 0.595** (0.262) 0.677* (0.404)
Female − 0.299*** (0.105) − 0.376** (0.156)
Reference category: age under 29
  Age 30–44 − 0.323** (0.125) − 0.805*** (0.190)
  Age 45+ − 0.420** (0.164) − 0.824*** (0.254)
Reference category: children in HH under 4 years of age
  Children 5–10 − 0.216 (0.154) − 0.077 (0.235)
  Children 11–18 − 0.145 (0.147) − 0.021 (0.230)
Education3 0.129*** (0.038) 0.200*** (0.058)
Household Income4 0.074* (0.044) 0.147** (0.069)
Reference category: savings less than $100
  Between $100–$500 0.082 (0.178) − 0.114 (0.290)
  Between $500–$1000 − 0.346** (0.175) − 0.594** (0.264)
  Between $1000–$3000 − 0.429** (0.177) − 1.008*** (0.263)
  Between $3000–$5000 − 0.532*** (0.190) − 0.784*** (0.300)
  Between $5000–$10,000 − 0.432** (0.207) − 1.258*** (0.304)
  More than $10,000 − 0.686*** (0.227) − 1.562*** (0.342)
Essential worker 0.615*** (0.100) 0.758*** (0.150)
Married5 − 0.203* (0.114) − 0.184 (0.176)
Homeowner vs renter − 0.236** (0.111) − 0.232 (0.166)
Child(ren) at home due to coronavirus 0.761*** (0.140) 0.861*** (0.206)
Have Internet in home 0.831*** (0.111) 1.442*** (0.172)
Rural vs urban 0.051 (0.175) 0.190 (0.261)
Foreign born vs US born 0.188 (0.125) −0.290 (0.182)
Light-skinned vs medium and dark skinned 0.229** (0.102) 0.300** (0.148)
Constant 0.546 (0.340) 0.785 (0.511)
Observations 946 946
R-squared 0.217 0.229

*** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1

1Birth, step, adoptive

2Foster, aunt/uncle, other

3Education: 1 = less than high school, 2 = high school graduate, 3 = some college, but did not graduate, 4 = 2-year degree, 5 = 4-year degree/Bachelor’s degree, 6 = post-graduate degree

4Income: 1 = less than $25,000, 2 = $25,000 to $49,999, 3 = $50,000 to $74,999, 4 = $75,000 to $99,999, 5 = $100,000 to $149,999, 6 = $150,000 or higher

5Married: 0 = single, not in a relationship, in a romantic relationship, but not living together, widow, divorce; 1 = married and in a relationship and living together