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. 2020 Nov 10;19:190. doi: 10.1186/s12933-020-01164-8

Table 2.

Treatments required to achieve the LDL-c targets and the expected clinical benefits

LDL-c group Current therapy 10 yr CVD risk Mean LDL-c 2016
Treatment needed to reach target LDL-c red Expected ARR (95% C.I.) Expected NNT
(95% C.I.)
Very high risk
No Statin (n = 1319; 1.5%) 25% 1.1 (√) 50% Hi-St 0.6 4.3% 30.0
< 1.4 Mi-St (n = 1268; 1.5%) 28% 1.2 (√) 28% Hi-St 0.3 2.8% 46.3
Hi-St (n = 4051; 4.7%) 26% 1.1
Mi-St + Eze (n = 574; 0.7%) 23% 1.1
Hi-St + Eze (n = 144; 0.2%) 22% 1.2
Sub-Total n = 7356; 8.5% 1.2 (− 0.2 –2.7) 80 (38 –− 638)
No Statin (n = 1992; 2.3%) 25% 1.6 50% Hi-St 0.8 5.8% 21.7
1.4–1.8 Mi-St (n = 2470; 2.9%) 25% 1.6 (√) 28% Hi-St 0.5 3.5% 37.0
Hi-St (n = 4916; 5.7%) 26% 1.6 14% Hi-St + Eze 0.5 3.9% 33.1
Mi-St + Eze (n = 710; 0.8%) 26% 1.6 14% Hi-St + Eze 0.6 4.5% 28.4
Hi-St + Eze (n = 153; 0.2%) 26% 1.6 14% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 0.9 6.6% 19.0
Sub-Total n = 10,241; 11.9% 4.3 (3.1–5.4) 24 (19 – 33)
No Statin (n = 7592; 8.8%) 25% 2.2 50% Hi-St 1.1 7.6% 16.6
1.8–2.6 Mi-St (n = 5650; 6.5%) 25% 2.2 28% Hi-St 0.6 4.4% 28.8
Hi-St (n = 8993; 10.4%) 25% 2.2 35% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 1.5 9.9% 12.6
Mi-St + Eze (n = 1150; 1.3%) 24% 2.2 35% Hi-St + Eze 0.8 5.4% 23.4
Hi-St + Eze (n = 255; 0.3%) 26% 2.2 36% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 1.2 8.5% 14.7
Sub-Total n = 23,640; 27.4% 7.6 (6.9–8.3) 13 (12 –15)
No Statin (n = 11,322; 13.1%) 25% 3.2 57% Hi-St + Eze 2.1 12.5% 9.7
>2.6 Mi-St (n = 3964; 4.6%) 24% 3.2 57% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 2.6 13.8% 8.7
Hi-St (n = 5715; 6.6%) 26% 3.3 58% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 2.3 13.8% 8.7
Mi-St + Eze (n = 892; 1.0%) 24% 3.5 60% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 2.5 13.3% 9.0
Hi-St + Eze (n = 227; 0.3%) 28% 3.5 60% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 2.0 13.1% 9.3
Sub-Total n = 22,120; 25.6% 13.1 (12.4 - 13.8) 7.6 (7.2 - 8.1)
Total very-high risk n = 63,357; 73.4% 25% 8.3 (7.8–8.7) 12.1 (11.5–12.8)
High risk
No Statin (n = 341; 0.4%) 19% 1.1 (√) 50% Hi-St 0.6 3.1% 32.0
< 1.4 Mi-St (n = 302; 0.4%) 18% 1.2 (√) 28% Hi-St 0.3 1.8% 56.2
Hi-St (n = 943; 1.1%) 18% 1.2
Mi-St + Eze (n = 109; 0.1%) 15% 1.1
Hi-St + Eze (n = 30; 0.0%) 14% 1.1
Sub-Total n = 1725; 2.0% 0.9 −1.6–3.5) 107 (29– −62)
No Statin (n = 588; 0.7%) 17% 1.6 (√) 50% Hi-St 0.8 4.0% 25.1
1.4–1.8 Mi-St (n = 705; 0.8%) 17% 1.6 (√) 28% Hi-St 0.5 2.3% 42.6
Hi-St (n = 1421; 1.6%) 20% 1.6
Mi-St + Eze (n = 163; 0.2%) 15% 1.6
Hi-St + Eze (n = 27; 0.0%) 26% 1.6
Sub-Total n = 2904; 3.4% 1.4 (− 0.6 –3.3) 73 (30 – −173)
No Statin (n = 2964; 3.4%) 19% 2.3 50% Hi-St 1.1 5.7% 17.5
1.8–2.6 Mi-St (n = 2045; 2.4%) 18% 2.2 (√) 28% Hi-St 0.6 3.3% 30.4
Hi-St (n = 2936; 3.4%) 19% 2.2 18% Hi-St + Eze 0.7 3.7% 27.4
Mi-St + Eze (n = 302; 0.4%) 17% 2.2 18% Hi-St + Eze 0.8 3.8% 26.7
Hi-St + Eze (n = 66; 0.1%) 18% 2.2 19% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 1.3 6.0% 16.5
Sub-Total n = 8313; 9.6% 4.3 (3.2–5.4) 23 (18–31)
No Statin (n = 5302; 6.1%) 19% 3.3 50% Hi-St 1.6 7.9% 12.7
>2.6 Mi-St (n = 1806; 2.1%) 17% 3.3 45% Hi-St + Eze 1.6 7.2% 13.9
Hi-St (n = 2275; 2.6%) 18% 3.3 47% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 2.3 9.8% 10.2
Mi-St + Eze (n = 288; 0.3%) 16% 3.4 48% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 2.5 9.2% 10.9
Hi-St + Eze (n = 70; 0.1%) 15% 3.4 48% Hi-St + Eze + PCSK9i 2.0 7.2% 14.0
Sub-Total n = 9741; 11.3% 8.2 (7.2–9.2) 12 (11–14)
Total high risk n = 22,683; 26.3% 18% 5.4 (4.7–6.0) 18.7 (16.6–21.3)
Total n = 86,040; 99.7% 24% 35% 14% 7.5% (7.1–7.9) 13.4 (12.7–4.1)

(√): Achievement of targets according to 2016 or 2019 Guidelines for absolute levels but not for expected  % reduction from untreated levels

MI-St Moderate Statin, Hi-St High-Intensity Statin, Eze Ezetimibe, PCSK9i Proportein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors, CVD risk risk score for major cardiovascular (CVD) events over 10 years, GLT Guidelines Targets, DTT distance to targets from mean LDL-c levels (in  %), LDL-c red Expected absolute LDL-c reduction estimated as the product of current LDL-c levels with expected  % reduction with new treatments). Expected ARR: Absolute Risk Reduction (estimated as current absolute CVD risk * RRR, where Relative risk Reduction has been estimated according to the expected absolute LDL-c reduction (i.e. 28% per each mmol/l reduction in LDL-c). NNT: number of subjects needed to be treated to avoid one CVD events over 10 years. 1 mmol/L LDL-c = 38.67 mg/dl

The population was stratified by CVD risk groups, LDL-cholesterol levels (mmol/l) and current treatments