Fig. 6.
ERα receptor distribution in the TG. a Double immunohistochemistry of ERα and CGRP. To the left, the image shows ERα receptor expression in the nucleus of neurons (red). Arrow and arrowhead point at ERα immunoreactive neuronal nuclei. CGRP immunoreactive cells are shown in the middle panel (green). CGRP immunoreactivity was observed in the cytoplasm in a Golgi apparatus pattern. Arrow points at a CGRP immunoreactive neuron and arrowhead at a negative neuron. To the right, the merged image is shown. Arrow points at a neuron positive for both ERα and CGRP, but with immunoreactivity in different compartments of the cell. Arrowhead points at a ERα positive, but CGRP negative cells. b Double immunohistochemistry of ERα and RAMP1. Double immunohistochemistry with ERα (nuclei staining, arrow and arrowhead) and RAMP1 (mainly expression in medium sized cells and thick fibers, arrow points at a RAMP1 positive and arrowhead at a RAMP1 negative cell) showed that some cells expressed both ERα and RAMP1 (arrow). Fibers expressed RAMP1, but only weak ERα expression. c Double immunohistochemistry of ERα and CASPR. Double immunoreactivity of the paranodal marker contactin-associated protein 1 (CASPR) in the paranodal areas and ERα was found (arrow). Insert: paranodal area of the Ranviers node visualized by CASPR antibodies