Fig. 2.
Histologic analysis of DC capsules before and after marsupialization. a The capsules were detected by hematoxylin-eosin staining (H&E) and Safranin O/Fast Green. Compared with DC capsules before marsupialization (Bm-DCC), DC capsules after marsupialization (Am-DCC) lost the epithelium lining and the fiber became loose. Clumps (which were demonstrated as the bone tissues) were observed in Am-DCC, in which osteocytes (yellow arrows) and osteoblasts (blue arrows) could be seen as well. Boxed areas are shown at higher magnification. Scale bars: 100 μm and 50 μm. b Representative immunofluorescence images of Bm-DCC and Am-DCC. STRO-1-positive cells (yellow arrows) were detected in the fibrous connective tissue of Bm-DCC. STRO-1-positive cells (white triangles) and ALP-positive cells (white arrows) were detected in the fibrous connective tissue of Am-DCC. DAPI (blue) was counterstained to indicate the nucleus. Scale bars: 50 μm