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. 2020 Nov 9;10:388. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-01047-2

Table 2.

Multivariable inverse-variance weighted mendelian randomization association between educational attainment and risk of suicide attempt in individuals with and without mental disorders, adjusted for tobacco smoking behavior, alcohol consumption behaviors, and whether ever seen a general practitioner or psychiatrist for nerves, tension, anxiety or depression.

Suicide attempt: model 1 Suicide attempt: model 2
Educational attainment 223 0.524 0.412 0.666 1.07E−07 224 0.687 0.540 0.874 2.20E−03
Alcohol consumption 32 1.041 0.591 1.837 8.90E−01 33 1.113 0.602 2.058 7.32E−01
Ever smoker 54 7.017 2.660 18.602 8.26E−05 54 3.899 1.561 9.734 3.56E−03
Ever seen a GP 28 12.315 3.462 44.099 1.05E−04 NA
Ever seen a psychiatrist 47 28.979 5.158 164.237 1.32E−04 NA
MVMR: Adjusting for alcohol consumption and ever smoker status
Educational attainment 262 0.481 0.385 0.600 5.02E−10 265 0.624 0.495 0.787 8.01E−05
Alcohol consumption 262 0.757 0.404 1.418 3.85E−01 265 0.781 0.407 1.497 4.57E−01
MVMR: adjusting ever smoker status
Educational attainment 278 0.511 0.406 0.643 2.46E−08 279 0.633 0.503 0.796 1.17E−04
Ever smoker 278 5.778 2.143 15.576 1.00E−03 279 4.225 1.576 11.323 4.00E−03
MVMR: Adjusting for alcohol consumption and ever smoker status
Educational attainment 263 0.500 0.389 0.642 1.42E−07 276 0.640 0.502 0.816 4.02E−04
Alcohol consumption 263 0.766 0.384 1.526 0.448 276 0.654 0.334 1.282 2.17E−01
Ever smoker 263 4.141 1.412 12.146 0.01 276 3.770 1.339 10.611 1.20E−02
MVMR: adjusting for alcohol consumption, ever smoker status, and ever seen GP
Educational attainment 279 0.545 0.425 0.699 3.33E−06 NA
Alcohol consumption 279 0.757 0.386 1.482 4.16E−01 NA
Ever smoker 279 4.389 1.433 13.439 1.00E−02 NA
Ever seen a GP 279 2.971 0.687 12.847 1.45E−01 NA
MVMR: adjusting for alcohol consumption, ever smoker status, and ever seen psychiatrist
Educational attainment 279 0.541 0.421 0.696 2.84E−06 NA
Alcohol consumption 279 0.768 0.390 1.513 4.46E−01 NA
Ever smoker 279 5.155 1.707 15.571 4.00E−03 NA
Ever seen a psychiatrist 279 8.882 0.518 152.323 1.32E−01 NA

Results are presented as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals for the effect of a unit standard deviation increase in educational attainment (years of schooling: mean = 16.8, s.d.=4.2 years), a unit increase in alcohol units consumed weekly (mean 15.1, s.d. = 16.6), a unit increase in the log odds of ever smoking (tobacco), a unit increase in the log odds of every having seen a general practitioner (GP) or psychiatrist, respectively, for nerves, tension, anxiety, or depression on the risk of suicide attempt (hospital recorded non-fatal suicide attempt, including secondary diagnoses of poisoning by drugs or other substances, or injuries to hand, wrist, and forearm). Model 1 was based upon iPSYCH Suicide Attempt Risk GWAS not accounting for diagnosed comorbid mental disorders (N = 50,260); model 2 was based upon iPSYCH Suicide Attempt Risk GWAS accounting for diagnosed comorbid mental disorders in same cohort sample (N = 50,260): schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, affective disorders, autism spectrum disorder, anorexia, and “any other disorder”. (1) SVMR results show effects of additional exposures on outcomes analyzed separately: the estimates are considered to be the total effect (direct plus indirect effect) of the exposure on the outcome; (2) MVMR results adjusting for additional exposures show effects of EA analyzed simultaneously with additional exposure (and combinations of exposures): the estimates are interpreted as the direct effect of the exposure on the outcome, independent of the effect of the other exposure. All results shown are pruned of variants identified as outliers by the MR-PRESSO test (MR-PRESSO P < 0.10). Cochran Q tests did not indicate heterogeneity (except as otherwise noted in the text) and MR Egger intercept test did not indicate pleiotropy for any model. See Supplementary Tables 1012 for full results.

SVMR single-variable Mendelian randomization, MVMR multivariable Mendelian randomization, N number, SNPs single-nucleotide polymorphisms, OR odds ratio, OR LCI 95% confidence interval lower bound, OR UCI 95% confidence interval upper bound.