Fig. 13.
Histological details of the funiculus of Stephanella hina. All longitudinal sections. a Funiculus in close proximity to the caecum and several developing statoblasts, which are also covered by a thin lining of funicular epithelium. b A funicular strand that encloses a very progressed statoblast anlage. The funicular lining surrounding the latter is very thin. c Proximal end of the caecum showing the origin of the funiculus. d Close-up of a funicular strand, which consists of a thin epithelium surrounding a small central lumen. Abbreviations: bw - body wall, bwm - body wall musculature, ca - cardia, cae - caecum, dsb - developing statoblast, ed. - epidermis, f - funiculus, pt. - peritoneum, rm. - retractor muscles