FIG 3.
Specificity of ejection by various phages upon addition to SMALPs. (a) Ejection of phage λ DNA in the presence of E. coli K-12 SMALPs. YO-PRO fluorophore was added to phage λ stock (light gray), E. coli K-12 SMALPs (dark gray), and a combination of the two and fluorescence was measured after a 20-min incubation. Points indicate biological replicates. (b and c) YO-PRO fluorescence assays as in panel a were performed with phages λ and φ29 added to E. coli K-12 and B. subtilis SMALPs. SMALP-only measurements were subtracted from the SMALP-plus-phage measurements, phage measurements were negligible (see panel a). (d) Receptor-specific DNA ejection by phage λ after incubation with SMALPs from E. coli K-12 or ΔLamB, as measured by QuBit DNA quantification assays. The experiments were repeated three times, each instance (which have different shades of red) composed of biological triplicates (individual points). SMALP-only measurements were subtracted from SMALP-plus-phage incubations. Significance values were determined using Welch two-tailed t tests (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001).