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. 2020 Nov 10;15(11):e0241144. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241144

Table 2. Descriptive statistics including intercorrelations of study variables (Study 2, N = 249 Amazon mTurk).

M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Motivation Variables (1) Basic Empathy 3.57 0.53 -
(2) Need for Closure 3.96 0.53 .24** -
(3) Need for Cognition 3.38 0.84 .14* -.20** -
(4) Death Anxiety 3.73 1.45 -.09 .15* -.43** -
Moral Intuition Variables (5) Avoidance of Harm 4.70 0.87 .40** .13* .13* -.03 -
(6) Fairness Concerns 4.81 0.86 .35** .13* .26** -.11 .63** -
(7) Ingroup Loyalty 3.78 0.94 -.04 .07 -.03 .14* .16** .15* -
(8) Obedience to Authority 3.73 1.00 -.04 .23** -.22** .07 .02 .01 .61** -
(9) Purity Concerns 3.67 1.22 -.16** .15* -.23** .19** .07 .05 .47** .69** -
(10) Humanizing Concerns 4.75 0.78 .42** .14* .21** -.07 .91** .90** .17** .02 .07 -
(11) Binding Concerns 3.72 0.90 -.10 .18** -.19** .16* .10 .08 .79** .90** .87** .10 -
Ideology (12) Economic SJ 4.52 1.32 -.24** .07 -.16* .13* -.36** -.33** .31** .42** .31** -.38** .40** -
(13) Liberalism-Conservatism 4.51 2.24 -.12 .10 -.09 .02 -.23** -.21** .33** .52** .38** -.24** .48** .50**

Note. SJ = Systemic Justification

**. Correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the .05 level (2-tailed).