Figure 1.
Associations between maternal and paternal pre/early pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and offspring congenital heart disease (CHD). Figure 1A shows odds ratios of CHD for a one-unit (1kg/m2) difference in maternal BMI (top graph) and paternal BMI (bottom graph) in each study and pooled across studies. Figure 1B shows the pooled (across ALSPAC, BiB, DNBC, MoBa) results for maternal (top) and paternal (bottom) BMI categories. Results are odds ratios of CHD in comparison to normal BMI. The study specific results for BMI categories are shown in supplementary material Figures S11–S13. 147,292 mothers (1,430 with an offspring with CHD) and 133,620 fathers (1,325 with an offspring with CHD) were included in the analyses presented in this figure. All results are adjusted for confounders (depending on cohort: maternal and paternal age, education, ethnicity, smoking, alcohol, maternal parity and offspring sex) as well as the other parents BMI.