Figure 5. Mitofusin activation reverses mitochondrial pathology and stimulates growth of CMT2A dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro.
(a) Confocal micrographs of CMT2A mouse DRGs cultured for 48 hr with MiM111 or its vehicle. Note greater neuronal process length and branching in MiM111-treated neuron. Exploded insets (right) show neuronal process termini. Mitochondria express mitoDS Red; neuronal processes stained for β-III tubulin are green. (b) Kymographs of mitochondrial motility in neuronal processes of live DRGs from studies shown in (a). Top panel is raw data. Bottom panels emphasize motile mitochondria with red and blue lines transiting left to right or right to left, respectively. (c-f) Quantitative group data demonstrating effect of MiM111 on CMT2A DRG mitochondrial aspect ratio (c), motility (d, e), neuronal process length and branching (e), and proportion of neuronal process termini containing mitochondria (f).