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. 2020 Oct 16;12(20):19867–19879. doi: 10.18632/aging.103941

Table 4. Cell subsets and immunoglobulin detection for COVID-19 patients.

Non-severe Severe
Age <50 50~60 60~70 ≥70 Overall (N=26)
N (N=159) (N=58) (N=65) (N=23) (N=305) (N=26)
Hemoglobin (g/L)
high 46(28.9%) 13(22.4%) 1(1.5%) 1(0%) 61(20.0%) 5(19.2%)
low 6(3.8%) 4(6.9%) 7(10.8%) 3(0%) 20(6.6%) 3(11.5%)
normal 107(67.3%) 41(70.7%) 57(87.7%) 19(100%) 224(73.4%) 18(69.2%)
RBC (×1012/L)
high 42(26.4%) 4(6.9%) 1(1.5%) 1(0%) 48(15.7%) 5(19.2%)
low 5(3.1%) 6(10.3%) 11(16.9%) 7(50.0%) 29(9.5%) 4(15.4%)
normal 112(70.4%) 48(82.8%) 53(81.5%) 15(50.0%) 228(74.8%) 17(65.4%)
WBC (×109/L)
high 4(2.5%) 0(0%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 5(1.6%) 5(19.2%)
low 37(23.3%) 14(24.1%) 16(24.6%) 9(0%) 76(24.9%) 7(26.9%)
normal 118(74.2%) 44(75.9%) 48(73.8%) 14(100%) 224(73.4%) 14(53.8%)
Basophil (×109/L)
normal 159(100%) 58(100%) 65(100%) 23(100%) 305(100%) 25(96.2%)
high 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.8%)
Basophil percentage (%)
normal 159(100%) 58(100%) 65(100%) 23(100%) 305(100%) 25(96.2%)
high 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.8%)
Eosinophil (×109/L)
low 90(56.6%) 37(63.8%) 46(70.8%) 19(50%) 192(63.0%) 23(88.5%)
normal 69(43.4%) 21(36.2%) 19(29.2%) 4(50%) 113(37.0%) 3(11.5%)
Eosinophil percentage (%)
low 103(64.8%) 41(70.7%) 53(81.5%) 19(50.0%) 216(70.8%) 23(88.5%)
normal 56(35.2%) 17(29.3%) 12(18.5%) 4(50.0%) 89(29.2%) 3(11.5%)
Lymphocyte (×109/L)
high 1(0.6%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(0.3%) 1(3.8%)
low 27(17.0%) 13(22.4%) 18(27.7%) 7(50.0%) 65(21.3%) 15(57.7%)
normal 131(82.4%) 45(77.6%) 47(72.3%) 16(50.0%) 239(78.4%) 10(38.5%)
Lymphocyte percentage (%)
high 16(10.1%) 2(3.4%) 2(3.1%) 0(0%) 20(6.6%) 1(3.8%)
low 36(22.6%) 18(31.0%) 24(36.9%) 9(50%) 87(28.5%) 19(73.1%)
normal 107(67.3%) 38(65.5%) 39(60.0%) 14(50%) 198(64.9%) 6(23.1%)
Monocyte (×109/L)
high 8(5.0%) 4(6.9%) 3(4.6%) 1(0%) 16(5.2%) 4(15.4%)
normal 151(95.0%) 54(93.1%) 62(95.4%) 22(100%) 289(94.8%) 22(84.6%)
Monocyte percentage (%)
high 90(56.6%) 37(63.8%) 41(63.1%) 17(100%) 185(60.7%) 8(30.8%)
low 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 4(15.4%)
normal 67(42.1%) 21(36.2%) 24(36.9%) 6(0%) 118(38.7%) 14(53.8%)
Neutrophil (×109/L)
high 3(1.9%) 0(0%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 4(1.3%) 4(15.4%)
low 50(31.4%) 15(25.9%) 17(26.2%) 7(0%) 89(29.2%) 5(19.2%)
normal 106(66.7%) 43(74.1%) 47(72.3%) 16(100%) 212(69.5%) 17(65.4%)
Neutrophil percentage (%)
high 38(23.9%) 21(36.2%) 20(30.8%) 11(50.0%) 90(29.5%) 19(73.1%)
low 22(13.8%) 6(10.3%) 2(3.1%) 2(0%) 32(10.5%) 1(3.8%)
normal 99(62.3%) 31(53.4%) 43(66.2%) 10(50.0%) 183(60.0%) 6(23.1%)
CD45 count (cell/μl)
high 1(0.6%) 1(1.7%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 3(1.0%) 0(0%)
low 18(11.3%) 11(19.0%) 13(20.0%) 7(50.0%) 49(16.1%) 15(57.7%)
N 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 0(0%)
normal 138(86.8%) 46(79.3%) 51(78.5%) 15(50.0%) 251(82.3%) 11(42.3%)
CD3 count (cell/μl)
high 3(1.9%) 1(1.7%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 5(1.6%) 0(0%)
low 22(13.8%) 16(27.6%) 19(29.2%) 10(50.0%) 68(22.3%) 18(69.2%)
N 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 0(0%)
normal 132(83.0%) 41(70.7%) 45(69.2%) 11(50.0%) 230(75.4%) 8(30.8%)
CD3 percentage (%)
high 6(3.8%) 2(3.4%) 2(3.1%) 0(0%) 10(3.3%) 0(0%)
low 3(1.9%) 2(3.4%) 3(4.6%) 1(0%) 9(3.0%) 6(23.1%)
N 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 0(0%)
normal 148(93.1%) 54(93.1%) 60(92.3%) 20(100%) 284(93.1%) 20(76.9%)
CD4 percentage (%)
high 1(0.6%) 4(6.9%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 6(2.0%) 0(0%)
low 14(8.8%) 5(8.6%) 8(12.3%) 3(0%) 30(9.8%) 5(19.2%)
N 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 0(0%)
normal 142(89.3%) 49(84.5%) 56(86.2%) 20(100%) 267(87.5%) 21(80.8%)
CD8 count (cell/μl)
low 9(5.7%) 14(24.1%) 17(26.2%) 11(50%) 51(16.7%) 13(50.0%)
N 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 0(0%)
normal 148(93.1%) 44(75.9%) 48(73.8%) 12(50.0%) 252(82.6%) 13(50.0%)
CD8 percentage (%)
high 4(2.5%) 1(1.7%) 1(1.5%) 1(0%) 7(2.3%) 0(0%)
low 1(0.6%) 2(3.4%) 7(10.8%) 3(0%) 13(4.3%) 5(19.2)
N 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 0(0%)
normal 152(95.6%) 55(94.8%) 57(87.7%) 19(100%) 283(92.8%) 21(80.8%)
high 1(0.6%) 6(10.3%) 7(10.8%) 3(0%) 17(5.6%) 2(7.7%)
low 9(5.7%) 1(1.7%) 3(4.6%) 1(0%) 14(4.6%) 1(3.8%)
N 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(0.7%) 0(0%)
normal 147(92.5%) 51(87.9%) 55(84.6%) 19(100%) 272(89.2%) 23(88.5%)
CD9 count (cell/μl)
high 31(19.5%) 6(10.3%) 8(12.3%) 0(0%) 45(14.8%) 1(3.8%)
low 2(1.3%) 1(1.7%) 4(6.2%) 5(50.0%) 12(3.9%) 9(34.6%)
N 66(41.5%) 17(29.3%) 20(30.8%) 6(50.0%) 109(35.7%) 1(3.8%)
normal 60(37.7%) 34(58.6%) 33(50.8%) 12(0%) 139(45.6%) 15(57.7%)
CD9 percentage (%)
high 2(1.3%) 2(3.4%) 1(1.5%) 3(0%) 8(2.6%) 5(19.2%)
low 1(0.6%) 0(0%) 1(1.5%) 4(0%) 6(2.0%) 2(7.7%)
N 66(41.5%) 17(29.3%) 20(30.8%) 6(50.0%) 109(35.7%) 1(3.8%)
normal 90(56.6%) 39(67.2%) 43(66.2%) 10(50.0%) 182(59.7%) 18(69.2%)
CD6CD56 count (cell/μl)
high 4(2.5%) 1(1.7%) 4(6.2%) 0(0%) 9(3.0%) 0(0%)
low 11(6.9%) 5(8.6%) 5(7.7%) 3(0%) 24(7.9%) 9(34.6%)
N 66(41.5%) 17(29.3%) 20(30.8%) 6(50.0%) 109(35.7%) 1(3.8%)
normal 78(49.1%) 35(60.3%) 36(55.4%) 14(50.0%) 163(53.4%) 16(61.5%)
CD6CD56 percentage (%)
high 2(1.3%) 0(0%) 4(6.2%) 1(0%) 7(2.3%) 3(11.5%)
low 9(5.7%) 1(1.7%) 1(1.5%) 2(0%) 13(4.3%) 0(0%)
N 66(41.5%) 17(29.3%) 20(30.8%) 6(50.0%) 109(35.7%) 1(3.8%)
normal 82(51.6%) 40(69.0%) 40(61.5%) 14(50.0%) 176(57.7%) 22(84.6%)
IgA (g/L)
high 13(8.2%) 9(15.5%) 9(13.8%) 0(0%) 31(10.2%) 4(15.4%)
N 3(1.9%) 2(3.4%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 6(2.0%) 0(0%)
normal 143(89.9%) 47(81.0%) 55(84.6%) 23(100%) 268(87.9%) 22(84.6%)
IgM (g/L)
high 4(2.5%) 1(1.7%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 6(2.0%) 1(3.8%)
low 11(6.9%) 10(17.2%) 16(24.6%) 10(50.0%) 47(15.4%) 3(11.5%)
N 3(1.9%) 2(3.4%) 1(1.5%) 0(0%) 6(2.0%) 0(0%)
normal 141(88.7%) 45(77.6%) 47(72.3%) 13(50%) 246(80.7%) 22(84.6%)

RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.