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. 2020 Oct 27;8(10):e22108. doi: 10.2196/22108

Table 1.

Data collected through the elevateMS study app.

Data source Timeline of data collection
Baseline demographics

Sociodemographic data (age, gender, race, education, health insurance, employment status, geographic location) Day 2

MSa disease characteristics (diagnosis, medication, family history) Day 1
Patient-reported outcomes

Overall physical abilityb Day 2

Check-in survey: MS symptoms and triggers Daily

Check-in survey: health, mobility, painc Daily

Short-form Neuro-QoLd domains Every third functional test targeting that domain (Cognitive Function domain: DSST; Upper Extremity Function domain: finger-tapping/finger-to-nose; Lower Extremity Function domain: walk and balance)
Active functional test

Finger-tapping Weeklyf

Walk and balance Weeklyf

DSSTe Weeklyf

Finger-to-nose Weeklyf
Local weather data

Temperature Every time a test was performed

Humidity Every time a test was performed

Cloud coverage Every time a test was performed

Atmospheric pressure Every time a test was performed

aMS: multiple sclerosis.

bBased on a truncated 4-point Patient-Determined Disease Steps scale, administered at baseline to all patients with MS (Normal, Mild Disability, Moderate Disability, Gait Disability).

cBased on a 5-point Likert scale (Health: Amazing, Okay, So-So, Not great, Horrible; Mobility: Excellent, Very good, Good, Not great, Horrible; Pain: None, Mild, Moderate, Severe, Horrible).

dNeuro-QoL: Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders.

eDSST: Digit Symbol Substitution Test.

fWith option for participants to complete more frequently.