Fig. 4.
Effect of KRGE on NF-κB and Nrf2 pathways in ovaries of DHEA-induced PCOS rats. (A-F) Levels of activation of NF-κB and Nrf2 pathways in ovaries were measured by immunoblot analysis at Day 20 after DHEA treatment (A) and quantified (B–F). p-IκBα (B), p–NF-κB (C), Nrf2 (D), HO-1 (E), and NQO-1 (F). Values represent the mean ± SEM. #p < 0.05 and ##p < 0.01 versus Sham group; *p < 0.05 versus DHEA group. KRGE, Korean Red Ginseng extract; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome; SEM, standard error of mean; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cell; Nrf2, nuclear factor erythroid–derived 2-related factor; HO-1, antiheme oxygenase-1.