Axial cross sections of micro-CT volumes in the absence and presence of iohexol with colorized overlays.
(A, B, E, and F) Micro-CT sections of the same control (no plaque) sample, at the same location, with no contrast (A and B) and with iohexol staining (E and F). Panels B and F are the colorized segmentation overlays of A and E respectively. (C, D, G, and H) Micro-CT sections of the same atherosclerotic sample, at the same location, with no contrast (C and D) and with iohexol staining (G and H). Panels D and H are the colorized segmentation overlays of C and G, respectively. With no contrast agent, segmentation was limited. Iohexol staining augmented the segmentation capabilities of micro-CT images with volumes generated for adventitia, media, plaque, calcium, and endothelium.