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. 2020 Oct 28;11:550219. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.550219


Results of regression analysis examining the moderation effect of performance recognition on the role ambiguity–employe engagement relationship and the conditional influence of performance recognition based on the Johnson–Neyman technique.

Antecedent Coefficient SE p
X (role ambiguity) –0.621 0.094 0.001
W (job recognition) 0.026 0.038 n.s.
X*W 0.049 0.018 0.008
Constant 6.575 0.199 0.001
R2 = 0.007 F = 9.912, P = 0.008

Johnson–Neyman technique
Performance recognition scores Coefficient SE T

1.00 –0.572 0.076 −7.458***
1.30 –0.557 0.071 −7.765***
1.60 –0.542 0.066 −8.113***
1.90 –0.527 0.062 −8.506***
2.20 –0.512 0.057 −8.945***
2.50 –0.497 0.052 −9.416***
2.80 –0.483 0.048 −9.929***
3.10 –0.468 0.044 −10.46***
3.40 –0.453 0.041 −10.993***
3.70 –0.438 0.038 −11.462***
4.00 –0.423 0.035 −11.794***
4.30 –0.408 0.034 −11.896***
4.60 –0.393 0.033 −11.691***
4.90 –0.379 0.034 −11.160***
5.20 –0.364 0.035 −10.359***
5.50 –0.349 0.037 −9.396***
5.80 –0.334 0.039 −8.381***
6.10 –0.319 0.043 −7.397***
6.40 –0.304 0.046 −6.490***
6.70 –0.289 0.051 −5.677***
7.00 –0.275 0.055 −4.961***

***p ≤ 0.001; **p ≤ 0.01; *p ≤ 0.05.