Figure 6.
Plasma levels of Sdc-1 or sTM in clinical response/remission are associated with disease recurrence in iTTP. (A) Bar graph shows the disease recurrence rate at 3 months after admission in patients with a double increase vs no double increase in plasma Sdc-1 and sTM during clinical response or remission as compared with their admission values. (B) Kaplan-Meir survival analysis demonstrates the recurrence-free probabilities (%) in patients with a double increase in both Sdc-1 and sTM vs those with no double increase in both Sdc-1 and sTM (P = .0014). A Mantel-Cox test was performed to compare the 2 different groups (2 tailed and nonparametric). P > .05 (not significant); P < .05 and P < .01 are considered statistically significant and highly significant, respectively.