Comparison of lymphocyte subsets between haematological (A,C,E) and non-haematological patients (B,D,F): pink - NK cells CD16+CD56+, orange - NK cells (A,B); blue - lymphocytes T CD3+; yellow - lymphocytes T CD3+HLA-DR+ (C,D); blue - lymphocytes T CD3+; white - activated suppressor lymphocytes T CD3+CD8+HLA-DR+ (E,F). A – haematological patient's NK cells subpopulation CD16+CD56+ consisted 92,9% of all patient's NK cells vs. B – non - haematological patient's NK cells subpopulation CD16+CD56+ consisted 87,3% of all patient's NK cells. C - haematological patient's lymphocytes T CD3+HLA-DR+ consisted 45,9% of patient's all lymphocytes T CD3+ vs. D – non - haematological patient's lymphocytes T CD3+HLA-DR+ consisted 6,6% of patient's all lymphocytes T CD3+. E - haematological patient's activated suppressor lymphocytes T CD3+CD8+HLA-DR+ consisted 21,7% of patient's all lymphocytes T CD3+ vs. F – non - haematological patient's activated suppressor lymphocytes T CD3+CD8+HLA-DR+ consisted 1,4% of patient's all lymphocytes T CD3+. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)