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. 2013 Jun 7;104(8):996–1001. doi: 10.1111/cas.12192

Table 3.

Univariable Cox proportional hazards models for treatment‐free survival in Chinese patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (n = 172)

Characteristic No. of cases Hazard ratio (95% CI) P‐value
Age (years), <60 vs ≥60 172 0.141 (0.894–2.197) 0.1410
Gender (male vs female) 172 1.326 (0.825–2.133) 0.2440
Binet stage A (vs C) 136 0.231 (0.131–0.405) <0.0001
Binet stage B (vs C) 89 0.979 (0.589–1.626) 0.9340
CD38 ≥ 30% (vs <30%) 169 1.493 (0.948–2.354) 0.0840
ZAP‐70 ≥ 20% (vs <20%) 167 1.959 (1.230–3.120) 0.0050
IGHV mutation (vs non‐mutation) 153 0.478 (0.303–0.755) 0.0020
p53 mutation (vs non‐mutation) 156 1.507 (0.879–2.582) 0.1360
Unfavorable karyotypea (vs favorablea) 54 1.072 (0.457–2.513) 0.8730
Others (vs favorablea) 127 0.590 (0.261–1.335) 0.2050
CD20 ≥ 60.3% (vs <60.3%) 172 0.452 (0.232–0.884) 0.0200

†Unfavorable karyotype, del(17) and del(11q). ‡Favorable karyotype, del(13q24) as the sole abnormality. CI, confidence interval; IGHV, variable region of immunoglobulin genes; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; ZAP‐70, zeta‐associated protein‐70. Bold values indicate statistically significant.