Tax1 interacts with MAGI‐1 in a PBM‐dependent manner. (A) Structures of Tax1, Tax1ΔC and Tax2 proteins used in this study. The amino acid sequence of the PBM is shown. (B, C) 293T cells were transiently transfected with pHβPr‐neo‐Tax1 (lane 2), pHβPr‐neo‐Tax1ΔC (lane 3) or pHβPr‐neo plasmid (lane 1) together with (C) or without pcDNA3.1:FLAG‐MAGI‐1c (B) by the lipofection method (FUGENE 6). At 48 h post‐transfection, the cells were treated with lysis buffer, and cell lysates immunoprecipitated with anti‐Tax1 antibody. Total cell lysates (Input) and immunoprecipitates (IP: Tax1) were characterized by a Western blotting analysis using the indicated antibodies.