Total |
3847 (100) |
Race |
Asian |
84 (2.2) |
Black, African American, African, or Afro-Caribbean |
594 (14.4) |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
120 (3.1) |
Middle Eastern/North African |
16 (0.4) |
Native American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native |
71 (1.8) |
Native Hawaiian, Guamian, or Chamorro |
8 (0.2) |
White |
3192 (83.0) |
More than one race |
124 (3.2) |
Other |
22 (0.6) |
Missing |
29 (0.8) |
Sex |
Male |
1203 (30.2) |
Female |
2744 (69) |
Other |
3 (0.1) |
Prefer not to answer |
7 (0.2) |
Missing |
20 (0.5) |
Marital Status |
Now married |
2196 (55.2) |
Separated |
62 (1.6) |
Divorced |
501 (12.6) |
Widowed |
137 (3.7) |
Never married |
771 (19.4) |
Living with a partner or significant other |
258 (6.5) |
Prefer not to answer |
33 (0.8) |
Missing |
19 (0.5) |
Highest degree or level of school |
8th grade or less |
26 (0.7) |
Some high school, but did not graduate |
91 (2.3) |
High school graduate or GED |
402 (10.1) |
Some college or 2-year degree |
1042 (26.2) |
College graduate |
1135 (28.5) |
More than a college degree |
1242 (31.2) |
Prefer not to answer |
21 (0.5) |
Missing |
18 (0.5) |
Employment Status |
Employed Full Time |
2012 (50.6) |
Employed Part Time |
352 (8.9) |
Unemployed |
217 (5.5) |
Volunteer |
34 (0.9) |
Stay-at-home parent |
177 (4.5) |
Retired |
665 (16.7) |
Receiving Disability |
279 (7) |
Other |
223 (5.6) |
Missing |
18 (0.5) |