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. 2020 Nov 10;86(23):e01581-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01581-20


Pearson correlation coefficients comparing the physicochemical parameters of the harvest water with abundance of vibrios carrying virulence markers in water and oysters

Physicochemical parameter Comparisona Correlation coefficients (r value and significance level)b
Water Oysters
Temp tdh vs temp −0.02, 0.84 0.06, 0.54
Salinity tdh vs salinity 0.45, <0.0001 0.69, <0.0001
Dissolved oxygen tdh vs dissolved oxygen −0.35, 0.0003 −0.61, <0.0001
Turbidity tdh vs turbidity 0.23, 0.0173 0.42, <0.0001
Chlorophyll a tdh vs chlorophyll a −0.17, 0.0934 −0.29, 0.0032
pH tdh vs pH 0.02, 0.8474 −0.02, 0.8797
Temp trh vs temp 0.01, 0.9163 0.04, 0.7024
Salinity trh vs salinity 0.42, <0.0001 0.69, <0.0001
Dissolved oxygen trh vs dissolved oxygen −0.48, <0.0001 −0.60, <0.0001
Turbidity trh vs turbidity 0.32, 0.0008 0.47, <0.0001
Chlorophyll a trh vs chlorophyll a −0.21, 0.0317 −0.30, 0.0019
pH trh vs pH −0.18, 0.0637 −0.10, 0.3017
Temp vcgC vs temp 0.14, 0.1461 0.37, <0.0001
Salinity vcgC vs salinity 0.39, <0.0001 0.15, 0.1360
Dissolved oxygen vcgC vs dissolved oxygen −0.40, <0.0001 −0.15, 0.1158
Turbidity vcgC vs turbidity 0.45, <0.0001 0.07, 0.4834
Chlorophyll a vcgC vs chlorophyll a −0.08, 0.4128 0.11, 0.2554
pH vcgC vs pH −0.20, 0.0438 0.003, 0.9740

tlh, thermolabile hemolysin gene of V. parahaemolyticus (indicator of total V. parahaemolyticus); tdh, thermostable direct hemolysin gene of pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus; trh, tdh-related hemolysin of pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus; vvhA, cytolytic hemolysin gene of V. vulnificus (indicator of total V. vulnificus); vcgC, virulence-correlated gene of V. vulnificus (indicator of pathogenic V. vulnificus).


Correlations reflect surface water comparisons for water and bottom water comparisons for oysters, with the exception of those with chlorophyll a, which are surface waters for both. Numbers in bold are r values of >0.40.